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Bad News


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

OH and I had some bad news today; we are being evicted from our house because our landlord wants to sell the property. We have only been here 3 months and I have just about settled in.

Im so worried about the future now, its very hard to find properties to rent around here that take children and pets and are within our affordability. Its just unecessary stress that we both dont need right now, I want to make sure I have a nice home that im settled into before the baby is born and im worried thats not gonna happen now, what if we cant find anything in this area that we can afford, is suitable etc.

We are going to request an urgent appointment with the local housing authority but because we have been seen to be affording a private rent we will prob get told to bog off because we wont be proirity, its worth a try I suppose.

Has anyone else been in this situation whilst pregnant? It would be great to hear from anyone that has!

Anyway thats my rant over....life is such a test isnt it????
aww honey *VERY BIG HUG* :hug:

are you going to try the council beause your case is very important! i hope you manage to sort something out. did you get any notice you was being kicked out?
I know there is someone on the forum who has, think it was Tankett. How much notice have they given you? I would get in touch with the local council housing authority who should put you on their list asap. I hope something turns up for you soon, big :hug:
Oh poor you, sending a massive hug x

Yes tankett is going through a similar situation so I would talk to her if I were you.

Jadie, I can tell from your posts that you are an optomistic person that wont wait around letting bad things happen to them. Its horrible at the moment but if we all look back on stuff that seemed terrible at the time they always work out for the better in the long run. You will have a lovely home and will realise it was meant to be and will be so glad that things have worked out how they have.

I hope it happens quickly for you and you are settled in to your new home soon. I've just moved and have to say it has been lovely moving into a new home with our baby in mind. Skatty xxx
:( oh jade thats terrible news!

maybe you could go and see what position you are in to buy a property. Then you are a lot more stable and its your house.

Hope you are ok :hug:
GRRRRR what a shitty situation.

is he male by any chance ;) haha

i think all us hormonal ladies should go round and give him a piece of our mind!

try the council, becoz u are not becoming homeless by choice you will get loads of points and also the fact that ur pregnant will give u more points.

just tell them the date your going to be homeless on and they legally hav to provide you with housing by that date.

dont take any crap about the fact you have paid private rent previously

im sure it shouldnt make any difference, but if it does just say you cant afford the deposit or the rent anymore for the budget for a house that accepts children
Yep, it's me.

We had a notice to quit as they are selling the house and should have been out by the 7th June. We've been here 2 years. And we're still here!!!

I don't want to worry you, but the council couldn't do anything for us. Even with a notice to quit, we still haven't enough points to get rehoused. We are also unable to rent privately, they take one look at me and don't want a baby in the house, and we have a dog as well and no-one will take him. :( What the council have said is that we have to tell them we cannot leave and have nowhere to go, which we did about a week before we were due to be out. They have had to apply to the courts for an eviction order. I had the letter yesterday to say that it is being heard in court on the 7th August. Once the judge stamps it, we will probably only have 14 days to get out. The council then MUST house us as we will be homeless. And they have promised me this will be done before the bailiffs turn up. But it will probably be in temporary accomodation, this could be anything up to a year, and we will then only get one refusal on a property. Oh, and we can't take the dog into temp accomodation. And I also found out yesterday that there is an empty 3 bed council house 4 streets away from me, and it has been empty for 5 weeks, so why can't we have that?!!!!

I have been through all sorts of emotions since receiving the letter in April. Anger, terrified, sad, happy, etc. Now we are all resigned to the fact that we will be leaving here in the next month and have no idea where to. But, as long as we are together, we can cope with anything. I am hoping that it will all work out for the best in the end. I am dreading moving, I have less than 6 weeks until LO is due, and I have acute SPD so can't do anything to help. But, we will be fine, as will you.

Definitely give your local housing needs section a call hun. They have been great with us even though they haven't been able to actually do much. It may be completely different in your area.

Let me know how you get on, and if you need anything else that you don't want to ask on here, just drop me a PM.
lozzijane said:
try the council, becoz u are not becoming homeless by choice you will get loads of points and also the fact that ur pregnant will give u more points.

just tell them the date your going to be homeless on and they legally hav to provide you with housing by that date.

dont take any crap about the fact you have paid private rent previously

im sure it shouldnt make any difference, but if it does just say you cant afford the deposit or the rent anymore for the budget for a house that accepts children

In an ideal world Lossijane, this would be true, but unfortunately it's not. We got 7 extra points for having a date to get out, but once the 7th June had been and gone and we were still there, they took the 7 points back off us! Oh, and you get 1 point for being pregnant and have to provide your MATB1 to get this point which you don't get until you are 25 weeks! To give you an idea of the points system, we have 117 and we need 134 to get to the top of the list.

You also have to provide proof of income to show you can't afford private rent anymore. As I am the major wage earner and pay the rent and all the bills, I just got a letter from my employer saying that I would shortly be on maternity leave and would only be getting SMP. They seem to treat us better knowing we are going to shortly be receiving housing benefit.

They do not legally have to provide you with somewhere to live until you are in possession of an eviction notice. And even then it could be a hostell or B & B. I was also told that no judge in the land would ever make a pregnant woman homeless, and they would rule in our favour and let us stay as we have always paid the rent on time, and it would be looked on as monetary gain as they are selling the house. Needless to say I am not going to the court on the 7th to show tham how pregnant I am!! I've not voluteered this information to the courts as we want to be moved.

I hope I'm not scaring you Jaidy, but I want to try and make sure you have all the facts before going to the council hun.
oh jaidy sorry this is happening to you. here for you mate, we all are you know that, wishing you loads of luck and hoping you find that dream home really soon :hug:
Hi Tankett,

Just wanna say how much im feeling for you right now, especially as you are so heavily pregnant and have all this to contend with, its frightening isnt it, not knowing where you can go!

I want to say thanks for your honesty regarding the council, this is why im really not holding my breath for them to give us anywhere and after reading about your experience my thoughts were correct!! I think its absolutely appauling personally and they need to get their priorities right.
However, moaning will not get me, OH and baby a home so we are going to go to the council be as nice as poss and just make them aware of the situation. Im not expecting anything from that at all but at least our change in circumstance can be noted. In the mean while we just gotta keep an eye out for a private rent which is suitable and like you Tankett, no one is gonna wanna rent out to people with pets and a baby.

Il PM you soon if thats ok and keep you updated its nice to hear from someone who is going through the same thing thank you :hug:
Oh Jaidy, so sorry to hear your news. I know you were so excited about moving into that place.

I know things will work out for you and I know you have the right attitude to get it sorted. I haven't any experience in this situation but I am sending you a massive hug. PM me if you need to talk. :hug:

Lyns xxx
Thanks Rusks and thanks Lyns, infact you are all being so kind I really appreciate it :hug:
Hi Jaidy, I'm glad I didn't scare the living daylights out of you with what I wrote!! :shock: I read it back loads before I posted it, but there just wasn't an easier way of putting it.

Please let me know how you get on at the council hun.

My letting agent has called this morning and I've told her I'm not going to court next week in case the judge notices I'm pg (hard to miss! :roll: ), and she was fine. I asked her to make sure she tells the owners why I'm not there. The case is set to be heard at 2pm, and the letting agent will ring me after to let me know what happened. Hopefully we will have a date to get out then and the council can get a move on. I'll let you know.
I wish you the very best of luck Tankett I really do hun, you deserve a place if anyone does!!! No, you didnt put me off, unfortunately its a grim reality isnt it and you just gotta push for these things even tho you are such high priority, its just so wrong.
We called the council today and they want proof of my eviction so thats the next step for me, sending off that nasty eviction notice. Il be sure to keep you posted :hug:

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