Bad Manners


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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I was away on the annual Flamingoland holiday with all my family(42 of us), just home now...... and i am so so so annoyed with the staff there.

The age range varied from 1 year old to 76 years old.Scottish, Irish,Welsh and a great mix. Although there was only the one night we ALL got together for a meal and a night, the rest of the time we would meet in small groups for fun days or nights...... BTW Staff were wonderful that night but they were mainly polish waiters......

we all had fun on the rides, loved meeting up with our *English* family members and friends, as we have family all over UK. Although the majority of us were Scots.


When we would enter the park the man on the gate would bark "bands" at us on our approach..... no please or smile or anything :shakehead:
I just thought.... bad manners, but this happened again after lunch on our first day, and a different attendant..... I rude but smiled and showed my wrist.

Later at the club the same thing happened again...... only this time I heard the stewards on the door say " F***ing Scots" as we entered the building. I turned and shook my head at him.
I didn't want to tell the others as i know it would have caused trouble,so i left it alone..... This horrible attitude continued through the week, I mentioned it to some of my family and they said " They hate the Scots, is that you just noticing? " ERM YES! :shock: I never noticed before, and i am sure that it has never been this BAD Before........

Then on my last night, one of the children left his jacket in the club, just as the club was being emptied for the night, still lots of people inside though, I opened the door and told him to run quickly and get his coat, the doorman growled at me....Popping my head in, I quickly said " Really sorry but he had left his coat and it was raining, he won't be long"...... to which I got pushed back and told "Shut my door" and he slammed the door on me, catching my BIG PREGNANT TUMMY with the snib bit of the door.... I was Mad....... So I opened the door up again and told him.....

Good manners cost nothing and a "please" would go a long way too......

I wish i was better with my mouth, as he deserved a mouth full i think, But I don't like confrontations and All of my family are quiet and well mannered so this bad behaviour isn't something we were prepared for.

I know that lots of scots are accused of not liking the english, but this is the first time i have EVER experienced *English people not liking Scots* But anyone who knows OUR family could not accuse us of this.

:x Do you think I should write to Flamingoland and complain? or would it sound like an *anti-English* scot just making trouble?

This forum is very mixed, like my family so i wonder is any of you have experienced this here?

TY, Love Yvonne :hug:
I think I would have been mad too! You always think up the good retorts afterwards don't you!
I don't see that a little letter of complaint would hurt, certainly for the fact that the door was slammed on your tummy!
how rude..i've never experienced such ignorant behaviour
personally, Haydens dad is from scotland and we've been
there and his family have come to london lots of times
to visit and i've never noticed any such attitudes!

where is flamingoland?? you should write as letter
just to complain about the general rudeness of the staff!
even if they acted like that without making anti-scot comments
i would be complaining :twisted: urgh i hate ignorance!
How sick, you should complain, esp about him slamming a door/hitting you with it while your preg, he won't have but he could have hurt you and the baby. :x
katyk said:
How sick, you should complain, esp about him slamming a door/hitting you with it while your preg, he won't have but he could have hurt you and the baby. :x
yup, that is disgusting

I would write and complain, Flamingoland is a family attraction, you would expect to be treated politely and welcomed, not made to feel like you shouldn't have been there.
I would complain Fynemum...sod them if they want to think is just bloody Scots.. They were rude, obnoxious and aggressive...and they shouldn't be.... To tell you the truth, Scots abroad here tend to be much better behaved, and less arrogant as the English abroad.. The most ignorant attitudes I have ever come across have been from English people, and it looks like you've just experienced that first hand...

Not every English person is like that but the majority of the ones who I come into contact with here, do tend to be... :roll: and I can insult the English all I want ... because I am one... Although I am ashamed to admit it sometimes :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:x :x :x :x :x
We went to Flamingoland once and we noticed how rude they were! I would definately complain it is not on! You could maybe forget about one ignorant person but after reading all that I am fuming so you must be! :evil:

We spend our holidays in Scotland and the people are so friendly it shocks me sometimes! Not used to it! :lol: We are hoping to move up there too soon! Can't wait! :cheer:
That is shocking! You should definately write a letter of complaint!

I am English, and when I moved here a year ago I was expecting to get my head kicked in by the scots for being English :oops:, it hasn't happened though, everyone up here has been lovely

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