bad diet


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Am worried that my bad diet is gonna damage mcbabba! :-( I am so exhausted and OH can't cook so we are having more takeaways than normal and I know its naughty but today am so tired I keep crying lol pathetic! Really don't wanna hurt mcbabba! Anyone got any advice?
I'm too knackered to cook most of the time. Ive stocked up on loads of fruit and healthy yogurts, eating small but often seems to be helping my nausea too. Maybe when u have a good day cook a big batch of healthy food, freeze it and defrost as you go? Also, steam veg. Can be shoved in the microwave and obviously full of goodness x
Thanks babe I eat loads of fruit during the day at work and eat healthy lunch it is just when it comes to tea!
Ah well your diets probably fine really then. Just the bulk cooking and freezing thing then is all I can think of oh and maybe heating veggie soup with wholemeal bread x
I make big pots of bolognese sauce, freeze per portion then defrost for pasta as well. Ummmm, baked potato with something healthy as a filling??
Beans, potatoes and oranges allegedly are all great foods for a developing baby :)
I ate really bad during tri 1 cos nothing stayed down and charley's fine. I literally lived on mcdonnalds and ice poles! Lol
Aw that is comfiting considering 0H has just gone to macdonalds for us :) he he
I had a salad sandwich but then a bag of wotsits and 3 club biscuits :blush: and a bowl of special k :rofl:
I think you and baba will be fine hun, as pickledonions said i think its as long as your eating thats okay. I stopped eating as much in early weeks due to nausea, and when i did eat it was just rubbish fatty foods (i'm a sucker for mcdonalds hehe!). I'm getting my diet back to normal now, and its definetely making me feel better, but it took a while, when my hunger came back all i wanted was pizza's, burgers and chips! Since your having a healthy lunch at work and eating fruit - that sounds good to me :) xx
In the early days, I found it really hard to eat. I didn't feel sick as such, just....bleeerghhh really.

Every morning hubby would bring me a complan (chocolate) in bed and it would give me the energy to get up and get on with things. It really was a boost, and really healthy too I think. I'm still addicted to them now. They can really help supplement a poor died, though at this early stage I'm sure the odd take-away will not hurt. Some people can'teat at all, so it's gotta be better than that :)

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