Bad Day.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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So it's been over two years and I keep thinking I can let myself 'be normal' and function the way everyone around me thinks I should. But I've just burst out in tears because I'm constantly aware of how old he'd be or what he'd be doing or the things I'd take him to do/see.

I've just broke down it tears because while I've my two handsome fur babies and I'm a very proud mamma to them (16month Alf, a JRT, and 12 month old Herbie, a heinz 57 cobby pony) I'll never hear the words 'I love you mummy'

We were going to try again this year with me taking a bit of a career break, but theres a chance I could need extensive surgery on my spine and even if I don't I've a chronic pain disorder that makes me wonder if getting pregnant would ever be a good idea. So it's been put on hold but I really don't know if I can go through with it all again. L doesn't share my concerns and just thinks I'm over reacting.

He's response to tonights break down was 'just go and get a drink or something'
Hi hun

You're not overreacting, going through a loss is absolutely devastating, and trying to face up to the idea that you may never become a mother, which it sounds like you're wondering, is also about as brutal as it can get.

It seems that, while there are some men who 'get' that thoughts like these are really upsetting, a lot of them just don't understand at all (or even if they do, don't necessarily know how to handle it). Sorry that your partner didn't give you the emotional support you needed.

I don't have any wise words but wishing you all the best xxx

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