Bad Day


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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Today's been a shitter. Don't know why, nothing particularly bad has happened. Just feeling very low. Had plans this morning to take Jack out for a walk as it was a nice day and i've not left the house since...i actually can't remember when i last left the house. But then my mum and stepdad came around and announced they were going to take him out for a while. I didn't mind at all but by the time they got back i kind of didn't feel like doing it any more so that scuppered my plans to start with.

My 2 best friends have buggered off on a girly weekend away without even asking me which i know i shouldn't complain about, i wouldn't have been able to go anyway but it just hurts to think that they don't even feel the need to ask me anymore. I'm finding it hard to interact with them lately, they both live at home with parents and think that going food shopping for themselves is a sign of being in the adult world.

OH has been at work all day so i've been home alone and has just announced that he's really tired so doesn't fancy helping me with the night feeds tonight...again perfectly understandable cos he's been working but it just helps me so much more when we share getting up and i'm already knackered.

Jack's been fairly well behaved but he's getting into the habit of refusing to sleep in his moses basket during the day, he just wants to me on my chest which means that if i want to comfort him or stop him crying i have to sit there with him on my chest. He wakes up as soon as i try and move him so obviously i can't get anything done and housework is building up.

Sorry for the epic rant, no replies needed, just needed to get it out. Most of it sounds pathetic now i'm reading it back x
Hey it is no way pathetic! I just wanted to say we all have days like this, I think having a baby changes friend dynamics so much that it's hard to have anything in common as all we do is baby things so try not get too downtrodden about your friends, they probably didnt ask just because they knew you couldnt go and hopefully your OH will be able to help next time. If you manage a not bad sleep hopefully it'll all feel better tomorrow :) We all definitely have 'fed up' days/nights. I had one the other night xxx
aww hun i know how you feel, my oh only really helps when i ask (typical man) and i dont get asked to much but then again i dont really have many friends anyway. Alyssa went thru a stage where she wouldnt let me put her down when asleep too, i find that putting her in the pram and rocking her off is the only way she will nap usually now. she wouldnt go down in the moses basket at all any more. sometimes i can put her down on the couch with a pillow propping her up a bit and she will stay asleep too. its so tough being a new mum and just when you think you have it sussed out these babies go and change their ways to make us feel inadequate. maybe you could try and explain to your friends how it made you feel when you see them. im sure they didnt mean to leave you out, they just assumed you couldnt go so didnt ask.
I totally understand the napping on you thing - Evie is getting exactly the same and it's so frustrating when there's so much stuff that needs doing round the house. Big hugs. xxx
Awwww big hugs hon. I think we all have days where it gets on top of us! Can't offer much advice just sympathy. Ariel won't be put down for sleep during the day so I put him in the Moby wrap. He's happy, and I get housework done! X

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