Bad day


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Been up most of the night with pains still not regular though! still leaking but they said at the hosopital last week that that was just late pregnancy discharge. I am so tired, but keeping myself bussy I have a sparkly kitchen and im cooking a beef and red wine pie for OH for when he gets home. I have the midwife at 2.30pm tomorow she better do something if I havent had it!!!
To make it worse Luke said to me this morning when the baby pops out mum it will hurt and you will be in pain, so I asked him who told him that and he said he had seen it on telly at his nan and grandads and the mommy died and he was really upset as he did'nt want me to die!
So when OH gets home he can ring his mum and dad and shout at them! who lets a 6 year old with a pregnant mother watch something like that

Put your feet up and have a kit kat mate!!!! Can't believe they let your kid watch that bless him I bet he has been really worried about that!!!

Lets hope that LO comes sooner rather than later - maybe some curry and rumpy pumpy tonight??? :lol:
Told my OH that if I go overdue then he's taking me for a curry - then 3 times around Tesco car park (they have big "sleeping policeman"), then home to s*ag me until my ears ring!!

I do NOT want to go over due. I'm only 33 weeks now and to be honest things are getting hard work and I'm not even that big!!!!

Another 8 weeks of this....eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkk
Last night we tried the sex and bumpy ride im saving the hot curry for the weekend as I havent go much gavisgon left! Today I have cleaned cooked walking around supermarket.
Im having tightenings every 20min but only painfull ones every hour my back is killing me.

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