Bad again today...


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Well I made it back to work yesterday - only to wake up this morning feeling worse than ever. I got showered and dressed thinking I might feel better once I was up, I had really bad pains in my tummy and had to run to the loo. I have a cracking headache and feel like crap. I called work and explained that I wasnt going in today again.. my boss who is normally quite cool seemed a bit short with me.
I dont have much time off sick, this year I have had 2 days off for my M/c in feb, 1/2 day with a migraine and 2 days earlier this week.
I am worried I have upset my boss.
I have taken alot of odd days off - as holiday - just to rest cause in the first few weeks I felt knackered, but I used my holiday for those days and gave a weeks notice too.
I am seeing he doc this afternoon - which is for my check up.
Is having an upset tummy normal? I feel like crap and just wanna lie in bed all day!

I thought I had got off lightly not having morning sickness.....

Has anyone else needed much time off sick......
hey hunni i know i'm not pregnant now, but when i was having my son had 3 months off with severe morning sickness it was horrible.
So i can relate to how your feeling. your boss cant discriminate you in anyway and if you find there are give citisens advice a call or your union :D
hey hun

Ive had the past week and a half off sick. I just couldnt keep my eyes open and felt so icky. My Dr gave me a note for the time I had off so Im covered but my bosses certianly aren't the happiest of bunnies but they'll get over it. I came back today where I was worried they wouldn't pay me and brought my pillow with me so I can snooze :rotfl:

Just make sure you look after yourself and baby :hug:

Hey there gemmap so sorry to hear you are feeling so crappy its so not nice.

Does you boss know that you are pregnant? I think people who have not been through it just dont understand, and I say this with conviction cause I never believed pregnant woman sufferred as much until I felt it myself.

I really wouldnt worry about work, at the end of the day yours & babys health is so far more important and they cannot discrimate against you because of it. I had 3 days off a couple of weeks ago because I was so exhausted, I told work I had eaten something dodgy. I felt bad about lying to work but I knew it was the best thing for me and baby.

Unfortunately pregnant workers will never be convieient for any work place no matter how well you get with you boss. Try not to think about it any more, go and get wrapped up in a nice warm duvet cover and sit and watch crap day time telly or a good ol chick flick. That will cheer you up. Hope you feel better later. :wave:
Thanks girls!

My boss does know I am pg and has known since I was 7 weeks.

I am feeling very emoitional at the moment. I cry at the slightest thing or get so wound up over nothing at all. I think the upset tummy might be because I am feeling a bit stressed or just down to all the changing hormones.
I've had 2 days off but could have done with more as I feel like shite most of the time :hug:
I have jsut been sooo sick... :puke: . Thats the first time since I got pg that I have actually thrown up! I thought things got better as things when further on.
Believe me you have not had much time off sick at all considering. I cant believe you only had 2 days off when you miscarried - I had 2 weeks off and someone I know had a month - you did really well. I had 2 weeks signed off sick before my miscarriage with bad morning sickness. This pregancy I have had about 3 days off so far which I thought was doing quite well! Just think that your baby is more important to think about than work and if youre feeling bad it is your body telling you to rest and slow down. Also pregnancy sick time is not counted as normal sick time off. Your boss probably didnt think before he spoke. :hug:
I made it to my docs app. He thinks the reason Ive been so bad is down to the antibiotics i have been on and as i stopped taking them on tuesday they are coming out of my system. He also thinks that it could be the anti biotics have upset the balance in my body and could have sparked off morning sickness. GREAT I thought I had skipped that.
I threw up as soon as I got back from the docs and I am curled up on my sofa with a bottle of water and my duvet. Feeling very sorry for myself. If i am no better in a couple of days I have to go back.
:( aahh you poor little love :hug: :hug: hope you feel better soon and it is just the antibiotics coming out your system :hug: :hug:
Well I made it back to work yesterday - only to wake up this morning feeling worse than ever. I got showered and dressed thinking I might feel better once I was up, I had really bad pains in my tummy and had to run to the loo. I have a cracking headache and feel like crap. I called work and explained that I wasnt going in today again.. my boss who is normally quite cool seemed a bit short with me.
I dont have much time off sick, this year I have had 2 days off for my M/c in feb, 1/2 day with a migraine and 2 days earlier this week.
I am worried I have upset my boss.
I have taken alot of odd days off - as holiday - just to rest cause in the first few weeks I felt knackered, but I used my holiday for those days and gave a weeks notice too.
I am seeing he doc this afternoon - which is for my check up.
Is having an upset tummy normal? I feel like crap and just wanna lie in bed all day!

I thought I had got off lightly not having morning sickness.....

Has anyone else needed much time off sick......
hey hunni i know i'm not pregnant now, but when i was having my son had 3 months off with severe morning sickness it was horrible.
So i can relate to how your feeling. your boss cant discriminate you in anyway and if you find there are give citisens advice a call or your union :D
hey hun

Ive had the past week and a half off sick. I just couldnt keep my eyes open and felt so icky. My Dr gave me a note for the time I had off so Im covered but my bosses certianly aren't the happiest of bunnies but they'll get over it. I came back today where I was worried they wouldn't pay me and brought my pillow with me so I can snooze :rotfl:

Just make sure you look after yourself and baby :hug:

Hey there gemmap so sorry to hear you are feeling so crappy its so not nice.

Does you boss know that you are pregnant? I think people who have not been through it just dont understand, and I say this with conviction cause I never believed pregnant woman sufferred as much until I felt it myself.

I really wouldnt worry about work, at the end of the day yours & babys health is so far more important and they cannot discrimate against you because of it. I had 3 days off a couple of weeks ago because I was so exhausted, I told work I had eaten something dodgy. I felt bad about lying to work but I knew it was the best thing for me and baby.

Unfortunately pregnant workers will never be convieient for any work place no matter how well you get with you boss. Try not to think about it any more, go and get wrapped up in a nice warm duvet cover and sit and watch crap day time telly or a good ol chick flick. That will cheer you up. Hope you feel better later. :wave:
Thanks girls!

My boss does know I am pg and has known since I was 7 weeks.

I am feeling very emoitional at the moment. I cry at the slightest thing or get so wound up over nothing at all. I think the upset tummy might be because I am feeling a bit stressed or just down to all the changing hormones.
I've had 2 days off but could have done with more as I feel like shite most of the time :hug:
I have jsut been sooo sick... :puke: . Thats the first time since I got pg that I have actually thrown up! I thought things got better as things when further on.
Believe me you have not had much time off sick at all considering. I cant believe you only had 2 days off when you miscarried - I had 2 weeks off and someone I know had a month - you did really well. I had 2 weeks signed off sick before my miscarriage with bad morning sickness. This pregancy I have had about 3 days off so far which I thought was doing quite well! Just think that your baby is more important to think about than work and if youre feeling bad it is your body telling you to rest and slow down. Also pregnancy sick time is not counted as normal sick time off. Your boss probably didnt think before he spoke. :hug:

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