back to the Docs again


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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I got a phone call at dinner time tonight to go back to the clicic they have some results to go over..... a week and a half ago they sent me in saying i may have a bacteria but never sent me for nething else so im gonna ask about that too while im there, and im unsure of why they are calling me back i know a few of the tests took a few weeks to come back.
I feel like i am falling apart lately :cry: i just finished crying i feel like giving up there always seems to be somthing wrong with me and this afternoon i was talkign to Sarah then felt a shooting , sharp pain in my lower back all the way to my lower stomach on the right side :( , it just never ends when am i gonna feel normal again :( so im off in the morning leving at 730 am so i wont be back here till night time your time or i might miss you all together depending if my dad can drive me back or not

aw babes :hug:
I know what you mean it does seem like a never ending story and all the tests dont help either :( I have had so much blood tests done over the past 2 years i was very surprised i didnt need another blood transfussion after giving birth to Colby, amd they still dont know what is wrong with me :| My feet are always very cold and have a blue tinge to them and a cuple of weeks ago i was at the docs and he said he couldnt find a pulse in either of my feet :shock: so it was more blood again and still nothing im just taking it to be at my end no news is good news :roll:

Hope the results come back all good ones and you start to feel fit and well like you used to
take care babes
love n hugs
Jean, Adele & wee Colby
xxxxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug:

Well aperently i have a medulla kidney on my left side, she said in the ultrasound it looked spongy and i am being refered to a specialist.
The past few years i have gotten pains on my left side and before i got pregnant i had to quite my job it got so bad and was going for mri's cat scans ect and they found nothing so if it is what it is and it caused these pains im gonna raise hell cuz ive bene complaining for years and the stomach specialist told me to get over it :twisted: wish doctors took you seriously.
Ive tried looking on hte web and all it says what part of the kidney the medulla is not what happens if somthing is wrong with it?
anyone know what this is i dont know when my appointment is they are gonna callme with it so now its just a waiting game

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