Back to the books again!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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My husband came out last night and said to me that he didnt like the name Phoebe, and I was a bit gobsmacked! But i respect the fact that he was honest with me and totally understand that we should both agree on a name that we both like. He was deadly serious so fair play to him and im guna go and dig my book out again.

I admit i wanna strangle him but shes his daughter too.
I'm sure you'll find one that you both like.

We've chosen a girls name but my DH says no to every single boys name, its driving me insane!
Thats why i have made a list of what i like! so il give it to him later and let him have alook through it and see what he thinks.
Though im loving willow and ebony at the mo.But will see what he says.

Its actually kinda excting picking a name out all over again
Willow and Ebony are both gorgeous!!

Willow is so pretty im sure you will pick one before little one comes, if not you will be able to see what she looks like then that may help?

It is exciting :cheer:
Aw hun but at least he's told you now and now when she's born. I am sure once she's here you'll have your name.
I totally respect him for telling me how he felt. I wouldnt be ablke to have a kid with a name that i didnt like!

Yes i defintely agree paula that I will be waiting and seeing what i feel she looks like. Im not deciding on any names till shes born.
mrs_tommo22 said:
Yes i defintely agree paula that I will be waiting and seeing what i feel she looks like. Im not deciding on any names till shes born.

That's what we're gonna do :) We have a list of about 5 names for boy and 5 names for girl, but we'll see what it looks like before we pick a name :)
Your way to sensible and i dont blame you. If i have any more children i wont be picking names out till their born.
We have been talking about names for a loooong while now. We can't decide lol!

So we thought we'll make a list of our favourite names each, then give it to each other and - if we have no names in common - we will at least be able to choose a few names as our mutual favourite ones and then we will make the final decision when baby comes! :D

Good luck with it! I hope you find a name you both really like! :hug:
I have a list of 15 names, but we have decided to keep it all a secret till after the birth so when someone posts my news you will all get a surprise instead!

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