Back to back

Sleepy sue

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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Hi all hope your having a good day :) I've just got back from 34 week appointment, I'm measuring 33 weeks but it was a student midwife who measured (I hate when someone else does it) they wasn't concerned and said it could be because it's a diff person :wall2:

Anyway they have also said little man is back to back :-/ and this can make labour longer and more painful. I've got a ball and have been told to lean over it.
Is there anything else I can do ?? Xx
hey hun

take no notice as they told me my 2nd was back to back and it would be a much longer more painful experience!! not what i wanted to hear after 1st time so i panicked!!

that very same night i started to get back ache around 11.30 nothing major i got up at 1.30 as i was uncomfortabe and contarctions had started but 10 mins apart by 3.15 i couldnt take no more and called hosp as they were 2 mins apart!! got to hosp at 4am 2-3cm dilated but still contracting, i decided against pain relief at that pointjust after 5 i asked for pain relief to which they replied itwas too late as i was now 9 cm and after that things happened very quick and baby was born at 5:46am

they only difference in back to back to my first labour was my contractions were mainly causing pain in my back, not nice but if ur good with pain will get through it!! esp if somene gives it a rub during contractions :) xx

also being on all fours can help baby to move into better position :dance:
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The ball is probably the best thing to try! That and apparently being on all fours is meant to make the baby turn around into the correct position. (Years ago women used to scrub their floors on all fours to get baby to turn!
Thanks ladies :) I so hope he turns but then again I suppose if it's pain in the back or in the stomach it doesn't really make a difference.
I've spent the eve over the ball but it really isn't comfortable. How long should you do it for x
If you're only 33 weeks, surely the baby has a really long time to move still? I didn't think they cared much about position until 36 weeks? xx

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