Back to Back Baby?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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When I was in hozzie this week being monitored my midwife told me that LO is slightly back to back.

She has said not to worry because if it gets nearer the time and he still hasnt moved they can give me positional exercises to do to help him turn round the right way. She also said he still has lots of room to move so its not set in stone yet, he isnt engaged yet either.

Has anyone else had experience of this is pregnancy? If so, did you baby turn and if it did, did it do it on its own or by doing these exercises?

Also, how bad is a back to back labour? (Just incase lol!!)

Thanks in advance! xxx
My first daughter was born back to back, they didn't know it until she came out, hence a very difficult, painful labour!!
Dior was born babck to back. it was only the last few hours of labour she turned back to back :roll:

i think it feels completely different too how harley was he was the right way.
i found Diors labour was alot slower and all the pain was in my bum and back as her spin was on my spin.
where as with Harley all the contractions were in my belly.

x x
on all 4's i think can 'move' baby.

Mine has been head down for about 5 weeks, and half the time is back to back.

i think i read somewhere that you are more likely to tear, but i could be speaking a load of rubbish :)
I noticed you was thinking of getting a ball hun,it would be a great idea to get one now and sit on it when watching tv instead of sitting back on the sofa, i am always jigging about on mine,this can really help get baby into a better position :D xx
Right il defo get a ball then, im on the case.... :D

So your in the same situation as me then Sam if yours is sometimes back to back???

I have just heard its so much more painful a back to back labour, I know I have 7 weeks but I gotta get him to turn :evil:
well i get prodded everyday so they can check where she is lying for the ctg, and i would say 3/5 times they say she is back to back. But it is different everyday.

He still has plenty of time to move around. if he is still back to back at 37 weeks i would start to feel nervous, but babies turn during labour. I turned to breach during my mums labour and she ended up having a c section (and doesn't she remind me of it!). :hug:

im sure he will turn in time hun!
Yeah, like you said they can turn at any time right down to last moments of labour so got plenty of time!! Be good young man! :rotfl:
try bribing him with treats days before your due date! :rotfl:

'If you turn round and be good for mummy in labour then you can have a nice drink of booby milk when your born'

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Abi wa in right position right the way through pregnancy, then after pushing for 4 and half hours i had to have forceps delivery when they felt her head to put forceps in they discovered she had turned and was back to back the little monkey! this is why i couldn't deliver her something to do with the neck not being able to manouvre properly, i've read in books that going on all fours and swaying abck and forth encourages baby to turn obviously i din't do this cos she was the right way lol. As for the birth they said i must have been in agony but to be honest mt stomach was that painful i cant remember any pain in my back so not sure lol.
JaidyBaby said:

'If you turn round and be good for mummy in labour then you can have a nice drink of booby milk when your born'

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


i recon:

" il buy you a car for your 18th" will do it! he would have forgotten by then as well! hehe
Bethany was back to back, it made the labour more painful, and she took longer to come out because of her position :( apparently sitting on all fours helps the baby to turn
Hi Jaidy,

I will think of you when you are on all 4's....I will be doing the same as my baby is still breech!! :rotfl: What a pair! My midwife said I should go on all 4's with my bum in the air for half and hour a day :shock: . I got so bored after 5 minutes last night and gave up!
Aimee was back to back but i didn't know till i went in to get induced. I had a very difficult labour and she turned slightly but was born facing the side and her face was all squashed in on one side. I ended up pushing for 4 hours but managed to do it with no help. Jessica was born facing the right way and it was so much easier, i only pushed for 50 minites. I'll be trying everything possible to make sure this baby is the right way.
all i can say is ouch!!! my son was back to back and labour was very painful
at least your baby still has plenty of time to turn!!! good luck

My baby went back to back during labour and the pain was awful, one minute i was coping well and the next my contractions were going off the scale (as he had flipped over) and i felt like my insides were going to fall out my backside!!

Sorry..reading this thread back is awful, it was but still worth every minute. Your bubba has plenty of time to move round so try to stay positive about that.x
Im getting nervous now!!

Can anyone tell me how long each day I should be spending on all fours then??

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