i had this problem...right heres how to turn baby.....
*dont sit on the sofa as it causes you to slouch which makes a back to back position comfy for baby.
*dont slouch/lie on ur back in bed lie on ur left side for as long as possible wlile sleeping my midwife said it gives baby less room and will help it move.
* instead of sitting on the sofa, sit on a dining chair the wrong way round (facing the back rest if u get me - u may need a pillow to rest bump on. this also gives baby less room and forces it to move.
*sit on a gym/birthing ball with knees wider than pelives, sit up right and move around on ball it helps baby move and also to engage better, also helps the back ache frm babby being back to back.
*spend time 5 mins on all fours on the floor gently rocking as this will also help baby get uncomfy in back to back position.
i know its alot to do , and YES it does mean avoiding the sofa al evening/day etc but i was told my baby was back to back on a monday and the monday afer he had moved. so i could sit on the sofa again but very very upright!!!!!
i also found my baby went back to back for more room as he was an unexpected 10lbs 14.5oz at birth Shocked but i got him to get i nthe right position by doing the above...good luck let me know if babs moves 4 u Hug