Back & sinus pain


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Two unrelated posts really but I'm lazy.

My back is getting me down. It is aching every morning when I get up and stopping me from sleeping. It feels like when you get a bad cold and you can't get comfy and your bones ache.

And my nose is depressing me too. I have a constant cold. I'm chock full of it. I know it's not a temporary thing because I've had it for about 7 weeks now. I normally have trouble with my sinuses and congestion and have a whole range of nasal sprays but they don't work and I cant take them while pregnant.

Does anyone else have these problems? How are you managing?
Oh hun :(. The sinus thing is very common I think, it's something to do with the increase in blood volume and stuff. Make sure you get plenty of fresh air when you are asleep, get the oh to move the bed nearer the window if need be. The cooler night air now is better than the humidity of summer.

Dunno about your back hunny but am guessing a big fat chocolate cake might help :) xxxxxxxxx
i have the same problems with my back hun, i think it's just down to the extra weight, before i got pregnant i used to take co-codamol, but now i have to manage with paracetamol, i find a warm wheat bag helps! if not ask ur doctor if there is anything he can prescribe for u!
Hi hun I am totally with you on the back thing!!! I have arthritis and SPD so know how you feel with the pain it really gets you down. I've had nasty headaches to cos of the incresed blood flow and enlarged blood vessels think thats what the nose thing is. You can take codiene in pregnancy I have 15mg tabs that I can have 1-3 depending on how I feel and 2x 500mg paracetomol. Mention it to your midwife etc cos they can refer you to physio and you may get some kind on back support. x
congestion is normal in pregnancy, and I for one have taken otravine nasal spray throughout both without consequence.
I feel your pain. I have a bad back normally but since pregnant it's lots worse & stopping me sleeping! & today my face aches like my sinus's!! But have no cold! Well not yet anyway lol! Hope you feel better soon maybe try Physio I'm going to x

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