Back/shooting pains - anyone ?


Active Member
Oct 1, 2010
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I've not experienced this before and I don't want to feel like a drama queen phoning the MW.

Early hours I started with jagging pains in my lower back, they have gotton worse since the day has gone on, my lower back feels like its being gripped in a vice (best way I can explain it) then I keep getting painful shooting pains that are radiating around to my lower front and sort of grip my insides..

Its not like the usual ligament pains, its quite awful, since they are becoming more frequent and painfull I am starting to get (a little) bit worried.

So just wondering if anyone else has had this or if I could be a sign of mc ?
sounds like youve got a water infection hun,iget loads in pregnancy and it feels like that,book doc app asap and they will test your waters. mine were so bad with my son i couldnt move and ended up in hospital,one time i couldnt move in the street and a policeman had to drive me up to a and e lmao
sounds like youve got a water infection hun,iget loads in pregnancy and it feels like that,book doc app asap and they will test your waters. mine were so bad with my son i couldnt move and ended up in hospital,one time i couldnt move in the street and a policeman had to drive me up to a and e lmao

Thanks, I've got a Doctors appointment tea time so their going to test my waters :)
Well I haven't got a urine infection..

My gp has told me to look out for any blood/discharge and if the pains get unbearable to go to a&e

We're worried now, hope its not mc
ive had two and theyve never been pains in the back.

you know there is a chance it could be a kidney infection, reason i say this is with my son i would have my waters tested by midwife who would say it was fine few days later and i would have that crippling back pain and thats when i'd go to a&e and they said there was a chance it could have travelled up and gone to my kidneys and they would put me on antibiotics.

i could never understand why nothing showed up when midwife tested but then id be in agony
Ive had the same thing all weekend with my left leg going numb and tingling spoke to gp today and got told what do i expect im pregnant and its going to get much worse! Looked up my symptoms and it sounds like PGP but with gp not willing to help i dont have a clue what to do epu wont help unless im bleeding.
Sorry i cant help just thought id let you know your not alone xx
I'm 6+4 at the moment and have been having these pains since before I found out i was pg. I went to the dr and got a BFN on the test they did so they said I had kidney stones. I was about 3 weeks by then according to my last period. I tested a week later and got a BFP, but the pains are still there. Not all the time, but when they are I feel like I'm going to collapse. I'm being referred for a scan on my kidneys as they're adament it's that. I've had a previous mmc, so I'm cacking myself that it's happening again.
Thanks guys, all my morning sickness disapeered yesterday I had nothing!! I was sure I would lose it, but then this morning I woke up at 6 am being sick again and Have been the same all day !

The pains have eased off now, infact I'm not getting much pain, really weird !

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