Back in the day lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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Sooo if ur I. Ya 30s 40s I wanna ask wat has changed I. Ur pubs clubs from when ya started to go and to now? Well I can say smoking isn't allowed now but I don't care I. Don't smoke now lol but I have noticed that most of our pubs have closed now and there is only 1 club now that's full of kids and I. Saying kids cos I know most of the are 14-16 how do they get I n there lol well as my daughter is 16 I. Scared for her she is sensible but she looks older asdo all girls these days :shock: I have my minions( my sons lol or older mates watching ) she knows but why do bouncers not check the Id I'm angry I. Gonna lose it grr what's the I'd situation like near you?
ID in my town is pretty strict but in Burnley it really isnt!! I always get ID'ed (baby face haha) and even I could get into places in Burnley! I think ill get LO into horses or something like I was so she doesn't go out to these places as much! My mums rule was I always had to go do the horses after school before going anywhere so by the time I had finished them I was too knackered to go out lol!! It definitely worked :)

I actually cant think of anything worse than drunken teenagers. We have a house just up from us that have parties with drunken teenagers and its actually really sad to see 13/14 year olds that drunk they cant even stand :(
I used to go out at 16/17 and not get IDd, but I have to take my ID to the shop if I'm going to buy fags now! Where we are they're really strict on ID now and most places are over 21 anyway! I think it's jut one of those things, we all hate the thought of our kids going out and getting shitfaced at 15/16, but we all did it at that age :lol:
Forgot to say, I'd teach her about responsible drinking, drinking water between alcoholic drinks, never leaving your drink alone etc. Tell her whilst you're not happy with it, you want her to do it the right way xx
I can remember smoking in pubs, coming home reeking of it. Then I remember the day the law changed my friend got confused and decided he had to roll his fag up outside in the wind or get kicked out.

I also remember getting the bus for 40p. I tried it on making out I was a child for a cheap bus fare tip I was at least 17. Even then it only went up to 70p imagine now what is it £2.30.

I remember going into the newsagents and getting 100 sweets for £1. Or 10 bags or crisps for £1, tangy toms, transform-a-snacks, space invaders (this is why I'm fat). 30p cans of coke. 10p ice pols at the ice cream van, a 99 really was 99p!! It isn't just inflation, it seemed cheap even then!

Mum used to get all our clothes in little shops on the high street or go to c&a. Never in a million years thought you could get a whole outfit with your food shopping in tesco.

I remember not having a phone, you'd arrange to meet your friend somewhere and wait for ages. If you saw someone else from school out it was like you'd won the lottery you couldn't just text or fb any old person your social group was limited to who lived in a reasonable distance to meet up with. People would knock for me unexpectedly and have to wait til I got ready with mum n dad. Now they text other kids and hang round outside like weirdos.

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