Back home - got date for induction


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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I was discharged this morning as the tablets Im on have lowered my blood pressure. I feel really sleepy and spaced out with them but at least Im home.

Got to go for a scan on Wednesday and another BP profile then I go in Sunday night at 9pm to be induced :cheer:

The consultant looked at the babys measurements from my last scan and said he doesnt think he's big at all, its mostly fluid. I'll find out on Wednesday when I have my last scan.

Hope you're all doing ok :) :hug:
ooo how exciting, good luck hunny xx
glad ur ok. take care of urself :hug:

good luck for sunday! :dance:
Bet its nice to be home even if you are feeling groggy. Well now you can get yourself mentally prepared for LO's arrival eh...... get as much rest as you can before Sunday! And post back on weds to let us know how you get on. Thinking of you, good luck xx
Thats brillant news kirsty i bet you cant wait till next sunday! :D
good luck for sunday.. hope you manage to get everything ready and sorted! cant wait to see your announcement :hug:
:wave: what happen? why was you in hospital? i haven't been on in a while...yeh babe :cheer: i'm so happy for you... and a bit jealous :oops: sorry :lol:

but you'll finally get to meet your LO :dance: :dance: i do hope you ok xx :hug:
Glad to hear you are home now. Rest up and keep that BP low :)

Good luck for Wednesday!
neeko_1 said:
:wave: what happen? why was you in hospital? i haven't been on in a while...yeh babe :cheer: i'm so happy for you... and a bit jealous :oops: sorry :lol:

but you'll finally get to meet your LO :dance: :dance: i do hope you ok xx :hug:

I was sent in with high blood pressure and had to stay in a few days, theres a thread about it somewhere :)

I wrote a birth plan and also a letter to the midwife and consultant explaining that I wanted to be induced early due to a few things and they seemed to take me seriously.

However, cos of the high blood pressure they're inducing me at 38 weeks anyway so I dont suppose it would've mattered whether I asked or not. Im quite glad of how its worked out actually. One of the main things that scared me about labour this time round is not knowing when it would happen, I like things to be organised and now that I have a set date I feel a lot better and I can sort of prepare myself mentally.

I do feel bad though, I keep thinking theres plenty of other women who are in pain for the last few weeks but they just put up with it, I feel almost guilty for getting what I wanted :oops:

Anyway, now that I've got an induction date I've got a whole other loads of worries/questions, it never ends! :roll:

Hugs to you all :hug: :hug: :hug:
Really glad that your home and happy kirsty, and very BIG hugs for time to fly now to your meeting your LO, and I'm sure then those worries will simply disappear :hug:
hey just clocked that's my birthday :cheer:

3rd of june right :wink:
neeko_1 said:
hey just clocked that's my birthday :cheer:

3rd of june right :wink:

Ooooh Happy Birthday for Sunday! :cheer:

Its my parents wedding anniversary on the 3rd too, my Mum was excited cos she thought he might of came on that day. The thing is Im not going into hospital til 9pm so I doubt he'll be here til the Monday!

The 4th June was Daniels grandmas birthday, she died a few years ago so it'll be nice if Ryan comes then, I know it'll mean alot to Daniel :pray:

Good luck for sunday hun only a week to go!!
oh wow, thats great that you have a date... i didnt see your other post so didnt know you had probs. Im sure everything will be fine.
God, how weird in less than a week no 2 will be here!

Good luck x
Good Luck for Sunday :hug: :hug: , Sorry to hear about your BP and Hospital stay, hope your BP stays steady :hug: . I've just noticed your from Co. Durham too, If you dont mind me asking Which Hospital are you giving birth in?
babyroo said:
Good Luck for Sunday :hug: :hug: , Sorry to hear about your BP and Hospital stay, hope your BP stays steady :hug: . I've just noticed your from Co. Durham too, If you dont mind me asking Which Hospital are you giving birth in?

University Hospital in Durham! How about you? :D

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