Back from u/s


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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:cheer: :cheer: Everything is fine!!!

Blob with a heartbeat!! :dance: :dance:

I am so relieved I have a baby growing in there this time, im happy behond belief !!

I saw it straight away, low in my womb is my little blob and the heart beat was very clear.

The u/s woman was lovely and said everything looks normal and that the bleeding must be to do with the cervix.

Im soooo happy!!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
well done - I'm glad everything is ok.
so pleased for you!
:hug: Thank you

I have been put back one day too, but thats cool, baby is fine thats all I care about!
That's great news! :cheer:
Now try and relax!!
:hug: :hug:
It was the rough sex tash lol.

I knew ya blob would be fine!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: Thank you all so much, yes it was rough sex :lol:

I am going to wait until after 12 week scan now, the rule I think is wait 2 weeks after bleeding has stoped, so ill take an extra two to be safe!

Im so happy :D
Happy for you hun :D - although my brain aint functioning property and I havent got used to all these abbreviations - I thought you were just back from America *doh*
pacha said:
Happy for you hun :D - although my brain aint functioning property and I havent got used to all these abbreviations - I thought you were just back from America *doh*

:rotfl: I thought that too at first! :rotfl: Thank god it wasn't just me!

Even words like 'to' 'it' and 'at' I'm looking at as abbreviations now! :rotfl:
that is fantastic news, so so happy for you :hug: :hug: :hug: and jealous, i want my scan lol, i have my first midwife appointment on the 16th of this month, anyone know what my chances of a scan before xmas are?

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