Back from the nurse


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Well I had the nastiest nurse in the world - DH recons she took double blood so she could have some with biscuits later!!

Tried to discuss whether they could do a blood test at 7 dpo to see if I was pregnant - she just glared at us and said there is no way you could be pregnant now!! Its just too early - and then she said are you sure you are on CD21 - I explained that I charted and that I ov'd on cd11 this month so I was actually 7 DPO - she sighed and said I dont believe in this charting rubbish and then crossed out the 21 CD on the test form and wrote in big letters ONLY CD18.

Walked out of there feeling like a naughty school girl. Oh well at least my doctor is nice.......
what a horrible cow. i would blimming phone and complain................ silly old ninny.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
glad ur doctor is a bit more understanding
You should complain. There's no need for that.
I know it was awful - she is an older lady and has been known to be a little harsh in the past about other things - I obviously got her on a bad day! Feeling a bit better about it all now - amazing what a cup of coffee can do (decaf of course).

Anyway its only 7 more days to wait and the results of this test will be interesting - although I dont really know what is good or bad as a level I'm sure the internet will tell me...... :D
I might have completely missed when you were meant to be going for your blood tests but you FF chart says CD18 - maybe she is going by this?

I might have got this all competely wrong so correct me if i am right
Hi Tots Hope after our early loss last cycle our doctor suggested that I had a test for progesterone levels - this would normally be done 7 dpo, which is usually CD21 if you have a 28 day cycle - he knows I temp and chart so he told me to have it done when I was 7 dpo not necessarily 21 days. Anyway I ov'd early this month on CD 11 so today, CD18 is 7 DPO hence the blood test. Corr that sounds confusing even to me.....

She was just so vile about charting and taking temps - apparently it is a lot of rubbish and she was cross that I came in on CD18 but my doctor had told me to do just that!!

Anyway as I say I am feeling much better about it - she was obviously having a bad day......
silly moo. :x

Reminds me of a nurse at the doctors' practice I used to go to, who asked me when my LMP was, and when I said '35 days ago', replied 'Don't be ridiculous, the menstrual cycle's 28 days long, you've obviously miscounted'. Whatever, darlin'. She was an old battleaxe too. Maybe was a time when to become practice nurses, they had to have 28 day cycles and ovulate on day 14.

well, it's not her opinion that's important, it's your doctor's, and he obviously does trust the charting method. And fortunately it's him, not her, who's sorting you out! :hug: :D
Oh my God, what a silly cow!! Not only that she's WRONG!!!

I'm sure it is okay if you go back in a couple of days but, she has no business doing her job if she refuses to believe in new medical information. I suppose if you went with a fever she would bleed you with leeches! :roll:

:hug: Sorry she was so unhelpful, I think you are being really understanding considering!!
Dont worry Becs she did the test just muttered under her breath the whole of the time :rotfl: oh and wrote ONLY CD18 on the form to send off to the hospital. Having scribbled out the CD21.....

I am not letting her worry me as I know I was right - it comes to something when the patients have to educate the nurses eh......

My doctor is a sweetie and he was the one that said although we call it CD21 test it should be done at 7dpo so track your cycle and arrange the date accordingly....
Ha ha, the silly old moo probably hated that you are more clued up :rotfl:

Glad the test went off okay :hug:
Oh i get it - i thought i had probably missed something but wasn't too sure! Thanks for the explanation and i hope you get the restults back soon x x x
Sorry you had such a rough time at the docs, least you know you were right (as the doc said :D) and I know who I would tend to believe :twisted:
bah :x

she's just bitter and behind the times :shakehead:

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