Back from the midwife:/


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Well it was ok but tbh i feel crappy. Baby feels like its back to back, woohoo roll on another long labour. Hope was back to bsck for a very long time and refused to turn, i know theres time but with my luck alately :roll:
She couldnt tell if the baby was breech or not, she had to get another middy in to feel, they THINK head is down but its thats far back in my pelvis they cant be sure so if its the same again in 2 weeks got to go for another scan.
Measuring less this week at 37 cms, not too bothered about that.
Well thats it, oh apart from the doc says im ok to wean myself off of the tablets :cheer: Got to do it gradually and see him again in 3 weeksto see how im feeling
Still feel shitty though, didnt have time to get meds for the fish and they look mega poorly, im such a bad fish mummy, what the hell am i gonna be like with 2 kids :( Im sure ill be fine Hope turned out ok lol
sorry to hear you had a pants appointment, i often feel deflated after seeing my midwife :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks hun, this is the first time ive felt poo coming back from the middy, oh yeah and baby is free still :( im not talking to this baby no more lol
My baby was free at 34, then 3/5 at 36 weeks appointment. Hope you feel better soon :hug:
thanks ladies, wow petra not long for you now, how exciting :cheer: hopefully not long for you too emmie :hug:
Mel both mine were back to back, with paris I was 28hours and harrison just 1 hour 30 mins!

so don't worry too much chick
oh wow what a difference, i hope this one come in record time too :cheer:

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