back from scan :D **piccies added**


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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well we got there at 9am had my wee tested and then waited and waited and waited till 10 then i had 4 bloods done then waited and waited till quarter to 11 to have a scan done but the baby was head down so they couldnt do the head messurements.
had to go for a walk and then finaly got all the scan finished at 10 past 11 then had to wait anouther 15 mins o see a consultant!!!!!
so a bleeding long morning :(
on the plus side baby is perfect got some good piccies considering baby was right down
my placenta is high which i believe is good and baby is messuring 16+4 so 2 days ahead
will upload piccies in a sec
oh women would of told me pink or blue but she couldnt see :(
manda xx


baby looking face on (scary like its dad :)). the black dot in its belly is its stomache i belive or bladder cant remeber which :)

baby side view face is turned away its not missing a nose or anything :)

baby looking down side veiw head is on the right legs are bent
manda xx
Glad it went well :cheer: :cheer: Shame the sonographer couldn't see the sex.
Glad in the end it all worked out well. I was called in early for my scan yesturday and my DH wasn't there so i asked if i could wait till he was, they said i would have to wait until another slot became free. I wouldn't have minded but they called me early and DH was there just before our appointment time. Had to wait an hour to get seen!
:cheer: Glad it went well. Love to see piccies.

My scan is tomorrow so excited, hope they can tell me what sex it is tho.
Manda you having another scan or was this your last one.
Yay glad everything was okay!! Now you have your gender scan to look forward to! Fab pics!!
charlie84 said:
:cheer: Glad it went well. Love to see piccies.

My scan is tomorrow so excited, hope they can tell me what sex it is tho.
Manda you having another scan or was this your last one.

its my last nhs scan unless something shows up in the bloods but im having private gender scan at 20 weeks and 4d scan done at 28 :)
manda xx
awww pics are brilliant hun! :cheer: :cheer: I like where Lil Llama is face down, perdect little body :D

I agree with Sarah, the face-down one is so cute!!

So glad you finally got your scan; it's been a long time coming hasn't it Manda?

Anyway you're now 1 day ahead of me - what date is your 20 week scan on? xxx
im not getting a 20 week one hun that is the only scan i get here going to book my 20 week sexing scan at the weekend though :)
and thanks i love her little bum hahaha so cute
manda xx
You should book for Monday 10th December in the afternoon so you me and Bloom can all go at the same time :D
lol i cant hun i have to have it done on a sat so hubby doesnt miss work :(
would of been nice to have it on the same day though :)
manda xx
Awww, great pics Manda! You must be really pleased! :D
glad all is well sorry u couldnt find out the sex, must be really annoying when u really want to know but cant :hug:
Great pics Manda :cheer: Glad it all went well and all's fine with llama! x
glad all went well with the scan, pictures are great. I think it looks like a girl as they can usually tell with boys that it is a boy :D

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