Back from Pakistan


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2005
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Hi everyone

Just wanted to say hello. I've been in Pakistan for 8 weeks - what an experience - and I'm trying to adjust back into some sort of routine.

Pakistan was amazing, the people are so friendly and the country is beautiful. The only difficult thing is that babies are like public property there. People in restaurants come and grab your baby, neighbours pop over and take your baby off to their house without telling you and small children of 3 or 4 years run round with them.

I was nearly pulling my hair out at first and everyone thought I was funny and neurotic because they're so used to it but I coped in the end.

Zara's got so big (13lbs) and her reflux and colic have all but gone. Being 7 weeks early she seems a couple of weeks behind her actual age but well ahead of her corrected age. I'm just happy for her to catch up in her own time.

Major achievements are that Zara is sleeping through from 7pm until 6am and can laugh very loudly but gets hiccups every time.

Will post some pictures when I get a minute.

Hope you're all doing well. It'll take me a year to catch up on missed posts :lol:
hey hun, welcome back!

I was thinking of you a couple of days ago, wondering how you were.

glad you had a nice time

well i reckon its time for me to take my three over there then!! Do you think all three will be 'stolen' at the same time? I might get some rest then hehehe

Sounds like you had fun.
Hi Louise

I wondered how you were getting on, totally forgot you were going to Pakistan.

Was Zara ok on the flights?

Did she just grow out of the reflux and colic or did you use medicine?

I'm sure you'll be able to get back into routine now, must be weird to be on your own again after being with family for a couple of months!


Zara grew out of the colic and seems to have almost grown out of the reflux. She has a few niggles but nothing compared to how she was thank god.

She had a great time in Pakistan and slept through the flights both ways :dance:

I had the added bonus of losing two stone after drinking the water so I'm almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I put on 4 stone when I was pregnant but lost one before going away.
Asalam-Alaikum, Louise!!!!!!!!!! :D :D

Was wondering when you were coming back!
I am glad you liked the country and found people quite friendly, just like me! I should have warned you about babies and what they mean to people!!!! :wink: I am not sure I would have coped as well as you, I am so possessive with Maheen, and the way she should be handled, and talked to, and fed, and canged, and, and, and... :roll: :wink:

My Mil is coming in Spetember, to help with childcare, I am thankful and DREADING it at the same time!!! I am not sure i'll be able to take Maheen back in my arms, then!!! :think:

Can't wait to see some pics! I miss Pakistan!
how did you cope with the food? did you travel around a little bit?

Take care!
Mel xx
Hi Mel and assalam alikum

The food was no problem but I made the mistake of drinking the water and was in hospital 3 times with sickness and diarrhoea (nice).

We went to Lahore and visited relatives but to be honest by April it was so hot I was happier in the house by day and just going out for a bit in the evening.

By the way, your Maheen is beautiful. You must be very proud. I'll try to get some up to date pics of Zara as soon as I've sorted myself out.
Hey good to see your back! So pleased to hear Zara is doing so well :D sounds like she is deffinately on the right track!
Glad you had a fab time, look forward to hearing lots from you now you are back! :D

Thank you Louise!!!

I did the same mistake when I used to live over there! and went to hospital as well, so I guess that's a compulsory passage for foreigners!!! :roll:

I am glad you got to see Lahore, I fell in love with the city! Can't wait to see your LO!!!
Take care,
Mel xx

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