Back from my scan and im team ...........


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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............ BLUE!! :D

I knew it, right from the start! I thought i would feel disapoitment because i really wanted a girl but when i saw the baby on the screen wiggling and waving my heart melted and im actually really looking forward to having 2 boys! You could see the willy from a mile off (cant be his fathers son he he) As for OH he was disapointed which really miffed me as it kind of spoilt the moment, he wants a dadys little girl as me and my son Jayke are so close. Everything was in the right place and working correctly and thats the main thing!

Now all i have to do is think of a name

Thanks for all your messages of support yesterday they really helped x x x

P.S If someone can explain how to upload pics on a post ill put my pics on
Congratulations on joining team Blue, glad the scan went well!

Alex xx
Hi hun that's great news 2 little boys will be lovely, congratulations :D

There is a section in technical help which tells you about uploading pictures, I have to keep looking back and referring to that when I do mine. Looking forward to seeing your piccies :D

Congrats on team blue! My dh would love a football team, your oh will be over the moon with his 2 boys. Looking forward to your pics xx
Congratulations!! x

(Claire&Jack we must have the same due date as your ticker is the same as mine! :D )
i LOVE having two boys!!!!

though i am so desperate for a girl this time

congrats - you'll have SO much fun with them both!!!
Congratulations, I joined team blue on monday too so very glad to have another member!xx
:rotfl: That made me chuckle about seeing his willy a mile off :D

Congratulations sweetie :hug:
Congratulations on your lil man hun. two little boys will be lots of fun im sure :D Good luck with the name.xx
Congratulations hun! Your OH will come round.

Congrats on team blue and I'm really happy everything went well :D :cheer: xxx

its great having 2 boys you'll love it

Congratulations Gem, you'll love having 2 boys, Josh & Louie are so close & get up to sooo much mishchief together :wink:

well done :hug:

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