Back From MW Appt


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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Just had my 21 week ante-natal appointment with the MW. The one I saw last time was po-faced and didn't make it an overly nice appointment, so I was pleased to see a different face this time.

The MW I saw was quite young and she has just returned to work after having her 2nd baby which is nice so it's all fresh in her mind!

She asked both Matt and I if we had any questions (the last MW looked annoyed that he had dared to even come in with me) and answered everything I had about my pains/aches etc and we talked about the brown discharge I had last week before my scan. She's put my mind at rest about that too.

Did the HB which she said sounded lovely and also checked the fundal height which is measuring 2cm bigger but she said that's fine too.

All in all a nice appointment :D Seeing her again in 4 weeks :D
awww thats great, we have the same one here throughout and mines nice :D
DebbieM said:
checked the fundal height which is measuring 2cm bigger but she said that's fine too.

Yeah don't worry too much about this - it doesn't seem a very accurate way of measuring baby. Mine was way above the line so I was sent for a scan at 34 weeks and all was fine.
Glad you enjoyed it, I've been lucky so far, both midwifes have been lovely.
Wouldn't like a complete bitch messing with my lady bits :lol:

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