Back from Growth Scan **pics added**


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Hi girls :wave:

Well I had my growth scan this morning. My fluid levels are within the normal range, albeit right at the top but they are still normal. The sonographer said she wasnt concerned at all because baby is touching both the placenta and the back of the uterus and if there was too much fluid he would be floating and totally surrounded by it so alls good. His swallowing, kidneys and tummy are all ok.

Baby is deffo a boy, he has his daddys nose and realyl pouty lips :lol: he had the cord over his face at first then wriggled about and gave a huge yawn. He weighs 3 and half pound and is measuring a bit ahead, I think just over 30 weeks but everything is cool!

It should stil be spectacular when my waters go so lets hope Im at home LOL

I'll see if I can post the pics but they arent all that clear.


Here he is.....the dark bit is his eye, he has a really squished up piggy nose bless him :lol:


Same pic, I flipped it so you can make it out better :D


Baby in profile, check out that pout!


And lastly scary face on pic of his eyeball :lol:

O thank goodness :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I've been thinking about you and left a message elsewhere.

So pleased all is well, we both have big biffy babies :lol:
good news sar, i'll make sure my phone has it's waterproof mac on when u text me :rotfl: :rotfl:
wonder if your midwife likes 'wet, wet,wet' or fave song is 'its raining men'??? :rotfl:
ok lame jokes spent.
My scan is tom, but me thinks mine is going to be all about the worlds largest get those biffa jokes a ready!!!! :hug:
thankyou girls!!! :hug: :hug:

LOL - I definately cursed myself with all that water by saying I wanted mine to gush not trickle!! :rotfl:

I think Im just a watery bird, I get really bloated when I come can even see it in my face so I think its probably normal.

Baby estimeates weighing that big for 29 weeks? The scan pics say I measure 31+6 but the sonographer said just over 30. I know its all estimates and he'll come when he wants. I wonder how big he's going to be?!

What time is your scan tommorrow Anna? I think your phone is gonna need its own life jacket to be honest! :wink:

Me too...and hubby and all the nurses.!!! :rotfl:
Scan is at 11am.
Hey don't worry about the size, sounds ideal, they are supposed to put on 250-500g a week, so even at very worst..u may have about 8lber....thats ace! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Glad everything went well at your scan Tilly :hug:

Anna good luck for tomorrow :hug:
Tillytots said:
Baby estimeates weighing that big for 29 weeks? The scan pics say I measure 31+6 but the sonographer said just over 30. I know its all estimates and he'll come when he wants. I wonder how big he's going to be?!

This should show you the average but don't fret too much if its a bit either way :)

Fetal growth chart
Awww the pics are fab!!! i am glad the waters have evened a bit, you sound in a very similar position to myself. Don't worry about the weight of the baby, there has to be babies above and below the 'average' weight to be able to calculate an average. He looks all cosy in there!! :hug:
thanks :hug:

I dont mind if he is big anyway - as long as he is healthy thats akll that matters :D

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