Back from cervical scan...


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Some of you may remember, but i've been put on fortnightly scans to monitor the length of my cervix after i had 2 biopsies on my cervix for precancerous cells years ago. They're worried my cervix may shorten too early and possibly lead to m/c.

Well my cervix has got slightly shorter - from 3.7cm two weeks ago, down to 3.4cm. It's not a massive change, but it still worries me that this is just a sign of things to come...

It's upset me because i was trying so hard to feel positive, and imagining my cervix long and strong, as the idea of having to have a cervical stitch really worries me. i have a meeting with my doc on Monday, then i'm paying for a private cervical scan next Thur to keep close tabs on it. I sort of think if it shortens again next week, then i should bite the bullet and ask for the stitch to be fitted. It's a really hard decision because you can do a 'wait and see' approach, and then when you're cervix is dangerously short (under 2.5cm i think) they put a stitch in then. But the down side is the shorter your cervix is when they do the procedure, the more likely it is to not work and put you into early labour (and miscarriage).

Anyone any thoughts on what you'd do? It's so hard at the moment as i feel my pregnancy is on hold as i go for these scans every week, as im so worried i'll lose the baby. And a stitch could help take away that worry if it works. But opting for the stitch might mean a m/c (though it's success rate is around 80 - 90%) but the idea of making a decision that may lead to me losing Peanut is just unbearable....

Would love to know what you ladies think.

Kate x
Oh I really feel for you, what a hard decision.

If it was me in your position I think I would wait and see what my measurements were like after your appointment next week and if it'd got smaller again then I would really consider having the stitch, it sounds like the success rate is fairly high.

I know it must be such a worry for you, but just try to take things easy. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
So does the procedure have a risk itself? Wasn't sure if that's what you meant by the 80-90% stat?

I think that if it were me and it had shortened again by about the same amount I would be asking for the stitch but that's just me and it also depends on the risks I guess.

Huge hugs :hug: :hug:
Is it worth asking in 3rd Tri if anyone as had it done and is further along?
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Rosebay,

yes the procedure has a risk - of infection, starting labour, or damaging the membranes, all of which could lead to m/c or preterm labour. I think the risks are less the longer the cervix (ie, the more there is to stitch, the less likely you are to puncture the membranes etc) At least i think that;s right. I have lots of questions to ask on Monday!!!

It's either that or bed rest, and hoping you don't dilate. feels a bit like a lose / lose situation to me, but trying to remain positive...
Im really sorry hun, i want to give you a hug :hug:
sorry your having to go through this hun hope all goes ok at your next scan and it hasnt shortened anymore :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
Sorry you're not able to enjoy your pregnancy yet :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope your cervix hasn't shortened any more... :pray:

i think i personally would get the stitch.....but like the others have said maybe seek some opinions from others in 3rd tri and ask a mum sections :)

thinking of you... :hug: :hug:
Hiya, sorry to hear you have had a small shortening of your cervix. I know its not good news but the cervix can change by a few mm from day to day so it may not be a sign of things to come. I think if the next scan is shorter I would go for the stitch, I know it is not without significant risk, especially once the cervix has started to shorten, but having delivered very prematurely before, i would do everything to stop it.

I am currently using progesterone pessaries to try to stop me going into preterm labour and I started them about 2 weeks ago. There is no real proof that they work as they are being newly used for this purpose , but preliminary studies have shown they can stop preterm labour in about 50% of cases and there are no side effects. I would definately ask your consultant about them, he may not have used them before but I did some research and it was fairly easy to persuade my consultant to put me on them. it is much cheaper then a stitch and the neonatal bill for your baby if he/she did come early!

If you want more information go to the bliss website as there is a pregnancy section with lots of posts on incompetence cervices, including lots of success stories. One women had an emergency stitch put in at 20 weeks and made it to term.

Good luck,

PM me any time
probably should say with the progesterone I have no idea if this could help when the cervix is damaged from biopses so this may not be an option in your case but you might aswell ask xx
What a hard decision. For me, I think I'd wait a bit longer and see if the cervix continues shortening over your next couple of scans. At least you have been given a figure where you know things become dangerous and can gauge your scans against this figure. Keep us updated, fingers crossed for you :pray: :hug:
Thanks everyone for your words. And Jen - i'll ask my doc on monday about the progesterone. Why are you on them? Did they identify why you went into preterm labour last time?

it's tough isn't it - i so want to relax and enjoy this pregnancy, but now i just worry i'll lose my baby early. It's just a matter of trying to feel some sense of control or that you're making the right choice.
They don't know why i went into preterm labour so they are exploring the possibility if an incompetent cervix but it could be just one of those things. My cervix was long and closed at 14 weeks so they are doing another scan at 20 weeks and another at 23. High Progesterone levels are normal in pregnancy and needed to maintain the pregnancy, ivf patients have used it in the 1st trimester for ages so they have recently been trying to use it to prevent preterm deliveries. It s still not used that regularly though as there is little proof it works but early research is promising. I really wanted to go on it as there are no side effects unlike the stitch. if you do decide to have a stitch have it sooner rather than later. stitches become more risky and much less useful the shorter your cervix becomes, rescue stitches put in late rarely work.

I know its rubbish but if your cervix does continue to shrink bed rest is very important. I know women who did not even get up to wee for months (they used a bed pan), may sound extreme and once you get to a safe gestation would not be necessary, but having had a 24 weeker i would do everything to avoid it again. I know everyone sees 24 weeks as a miles stone as their baby is now viable, the hell we went through i would not wish on my worst enemy. Sorry i don't mean to scare you just make sure you are given all the help and treatment you can get to ensure you don't deliver early.

Also try to relax, it might not happen, your next scan might be longer and 3.4cm is still a good length. at my scan they said anything over 3cm is good.

Thanks Jen

Just did a quick search and it does seem that the progesterone could help me, so shall see what my doc says. If it's cheap and has no negative effects, i wonder if it's worth trying it anyway? Shall see what they say.

Well keep me posted after you next scan - hopefully it will still be long and closed - and i'll let you know what my doc says on Monday...

Thanks for your help.

I feel for you hun it's not a nice decision to have to make. I had a cervical length scan on Friday due to having a cone biopsy in 2005. Everything was said to be fine, I have to go back for a repeat scan every 3wks until I am 24wks gone. The doctor told me that if things change I have 2 options either the cervical stitch or progesterone medication, obviously depending on how short the cervix gets. I would talk to your doctor about medication at your next appt, maybe if you take meds early it will mean no stitch.
If my cervix does shorten I think I will trust the doctors advice.
I know it's easy to say but try not to worry, hopefully things will not have changed and everything will be fine. :pray: Good luck :hug:
^^ This is an old post, but I am going to see the consultant this week after it was completely missed that I have had cone biopsy and colposcopy years ago... at 25 weeks I am now VERY freaked....
Same thing happened with my cousin's wife. First time round unfortuantly it wasn't detected and she did miscarry. Second time she had the stitch at about 4 months and now has a gorgeous six week old baby boy. Listen to the advice the doctor gives you but make sure you share all your worries x
Hi Hun, I think if you're next scan is shorter even by a teeny bit, I would just get the stitch. I know if it was me, I would have it if there was any risk it was going to get any shorter xxx It's soo much better to be safe than sorry xxx Hope everything goes well for u xxx

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