Back From BabyBond Scan... UPDATED WITH PICS!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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Well, we're back from our scan. It was a regular 2D scan just because we weren't overly happy with our NHS one and wanted to see our baby properly. All I can say is...


I was scanned for a constant 15 minutes and the sonographer showed us everything she could. We saw little Flump kicking the placenta, slapping it, yawning, sucking his thumb, putting his hands to his ears... so many things. It was just incredible. We just both looked at the (huge) screen open mouthed and kept saying "amazing" and "wow."

Flump is measuring at 15+4 so spot on, his head is measuring a bit bigger at 16+2 but it can be a bit off depending on position.

We got eleven - yes, ELEVEN scan piccies, all of different things. Some of them are a little hard to make out but that's because they zoom in all the time before taking the picture so you can really see what's what. We saw his little hands, legs, spine, ribs, eyes, fingers - the whole lot!

She did say that she could look at the gender for us if we wanted but we decliend. We really want to wait. :)

We have our anomoly scan on 26th October but she has told us that everything looks perfect as far as she can see so we are both REALLY pleased and feeling really relaxed too! We will be going back again for a 4D scan at around 30 weeks but I can honestly see us going back again around 25 weeks for another little look since it was soooo good. Such a great experience.

Scan pics coming as soon as Matt scans them into the computer!!

Fab experience and I recommend it to anyway! It's called BabyBOND for a reason.. that's for sure :cheer: :cheer:
awww wow.... we want pics!!!!!!!!!!!
Awwww sounds lovely.

A 4D scan here is £260 - I cant afford that much its too many nappies etc :roll: but I would love one.
glad it all went ok hun, sounds like you really enjoyed the experience.

Can't wait to see the pics

Go team green
no!!!!! lol...but u did say his his his so im right lol
Aww ur making me want a 4D one now, just cant decide whether to have one or not and depends on money really, BUT I WANT ONE! *Stamps Feet!* :lol:
Well we said we'll see how we are financially after the wedding, fingers crossed we will sort the money! :D
Here we go! Told you there's a lot :D

Crown To Rump:

Face To Camera:

Face To Scanner:

His Little Feet Crossed:

Femur Length:

Hand On Head:

Head Diameter:

His Long Fingers (She said "baby is going to be a pianist"):

Side View:

Another Side View:

And finally.. Sucking His Thumb:

The scan pics just don't do the whole experience justice, it has to be said!
Awww! So exciting! I'm having mine at the BabyBond place in Cardiff, you've got me all excited..week tomorrow!!
The one were baby is sucking their thumb is sooo cute.
Those pictures are lovely!! the thumb sucking one is my fave though... :)
We love that one too! Can't wait to go and show my Dad! Showed my sis and she cried, bless her!

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