Back from A&E


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May 10, 2007
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I went to catch up with some friends in Manchester last night. At around 12.30am i felt sick and threw up blood. We headed straight to hospital to get it checked out.

They were unable to find the cause of the blood and obviously are restricted to what tests they can do due to the baby. Bump is fine and was very active when i was in hospital so it was decided that we didn't need to scan. We were released at 6am and headed back to our hotel for some much needed sleep

I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience with vomiting/coughing up blood.

Also, i would like to say how helpful the staff at the hospital were. I was seen immediately and treated as a priority and at 1am i am sure you can imagine how busy they were with the usual Saturday night mess.

Hope everyone is doing well. It all seems to trivial now having heard about Tracey.
Poor you, glad to hear baby is ok :D

rest up :hug:
Are you sure you didn't eat anything that could look like blood? Its amazing what things can look normal when they go down, but blood like when they come back up.

The last time I threw up blood was when I had several large ulcers in my duodenum (stomach)... I had some how managed to irritate one, it was probably something I ate, and it had started to bleed. I wasn't pregnant though, so I can imagine that your case is very complicated.

Its not serious, but it can be especially if it ruptures... If you have a stomach ulcer, you need to be very very careful about what you eat... Only very bland easily digestible foods... Funnily enough, most wholemeal/ruffage foods are difficult to digest even though they are "good" for you... It means you are constricted to boiled chicken, pasta, soup (but not the cream kind), jelly, eggs... pretty boring stuff... No salt, pepper or spices..

I would go and see your GP too... there are many meds on the market that are technically safe... If your GP won't do anything I think you should ask for an urgent appointment with a gastric consultant or gynocologist who can look into your situation.

Unfortunately the only way to diagnose an ulcer is to have a gastoscopy, and you really really want to be either asleep or pretty drugged up to have one of them.. although they can do it with throat spray, its not a particularly pleasant experience. So I can understand why they wouldn't do that...
like squig i threw up blood due to an ulcer./. but it came bk up like coffee grinds..

hope ur feeling ok xxx
Aww that must have been scary! I'm glad you and baby are okay :)
I coughed up blood when I was 22 weeks. I was told it was caused by excessive coughing (my asthma was very bad at the time). I was told not to worry, but I am on daily aspirin to thin my blood so small bleeds aren't that unusual for me.

I hope you feel better soon.
Am feeling better after a good nights sleep. Will just half to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. I see the midwife tomorrow so will mention it to her then.

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