back from 31 wk MW appointment... bit worried!


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
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Hi there,
Just back from a check up for my 31 weeks and MW seemed a bit concerned about a pain in my lower abdomen when she touched it... she told me to keep any eye on my ankles and wrists for swelling as she noticed my sock lines were quite deep...:S

Also, when she went to find heartbeat it took her a while and it panicked me.. but her heart been is sitting at 143.. is this ok?

and one more thing.. my blood pressure is usually quite low 100/50 or thereabous, and now its gone up to 120/70... which isnt like me at all.. is this something to be concerned about...?

I'm alla fluster now cos Im so used to my check ups being all happy and everything being ok...

please reassure me someone?

all sounds fine to me.

My bp was abotu 120/70 at one of my appointments when I was somewhere around 24 weeks, and it's consistently been 110/50 or 60 ever since. I think it was just a blip.

Keep an eye out if you have pain in your abdomen though. Although it could be trapped wind or indigestion. Things certainly get a bit cramped after 30 weeks! And just note down if you consistently get bad swelling.

Fetal heartbeat sounds fine too. Mine is always somewhere between 140 and 150.

Hiya, I don't think swollen ankles/wrists etc by 31 weeks is anything to be alarmed by, try to keep your legs up, i.e. on the sofa or using a cushion and avoid repetative wrist actions (typeing doen't help I'm afraid). Pain in your lower abdomen could be due to the muscles underneath being sore from the stretching they are doing or from the position your LO has gotten herself into. 143 is fine for a heartbeat she's having a resting/quiet day that's all and as for your blood pressure it's completely normal. I tend to register around the 110/64 marker and am told it's normal/fine etc, it's been up to /80 before and still told it's ok, sometimes that can change just before/after a meal, the heat, stress of waiting in an annoying waiting room etc...I really wouldn't worry about 120/70 a lot of people would LOVE to have it normal like that!! Honestly for my opinion your FINE for 31 weeks, nothing to worry about what so ever. I love the way midwives give out their concerned looks etc without ever really backing up the reasons why or all the reasons as to what it might be etc. Obviously if things get worse I'd go back but really I think your spot on xx
Thank you ladies.

I love you.


such a panic merchant I know... but I can't help it! xx
Good point forgot about the indigestion/wind thing. And also to add that at my 34 week appointment the midwife took my BP and it was through the roof because she was using the wrong cuff on my arm, she changed it to an adult long length cuff and bingo back to /64 again....that can make a difference too, the cuff used or whether you have always had the electronically inflated ones or the hand pumped up ones etc, changing those can make a difference too. Honestly I think your fine xx
i had raised BP, swelling and protein around 35 weeks, was petrified it was pre-eclampsia, but it wasnt thank goodness! hopefully u'll b fine, watch out 4 headaches & blurry vision tho :hug:
Dont let your MW alarm you! there very good at it and dont alwasy explain themselves properly and scare the shit out of you for it.

If she thinks it might be pre elamptic signs then you need to watch out for very bad headaches, bluured vision, flashing lights before your eyes, pain in abdoman,major swelling and i mean you resembling the mitchelan man!

Not a laughing matter i know but if your ankles etc are a bit sweeled put your feet up for a while and get some rest :hug:

As others say dont worry and if anything changes call your mw :hug:

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