back acheeee and update


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2010
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So the last 3 days Ive had awful back ache, Im sure its perfectly normal but its driving me crazy :( Im getting fed up cos everyone keeps telling me Im going to go early and now im fed up and not even full term thanks to listening to them.

As a lot of you know I only came uk last friday, I had my first midwife appointment on wednesday annd she didnt do anything, just gave me my empty green notes and said she'd already booked too many people in that day so couldnt do anything and she would so a full check up next week. So she didnt even touch me or ask me barely anything and im bloody 37 weeks on sunday grrr

Oh and also those who were asking before, my husband got his visa today:dance: so hes going to be able to come over for the baby :D we are so excited as we really didnt think he would get it even though it took us months to prepare for !

Soo although Im fed up and my backs killing im super happy now :D

Hows everyone else?? You all seem to be getting twinges etc and me im getting nothing cept for back pain :(
:( poor you with your back pain honey! Have you tried rolling around on a birthing ball? Mine really helps with my back pain. That's pretty shoddy about the midwife, I'm not surprised you're pissed off!

Great news about your husband though! :)

That's great about your husband :)

That midwife sounds terrible. Surely she could have taken some time to check you over as your so far along now x
Really pleased your husband got his visa!!!! The times I've had back pain I've used a hotwater bottle with a cover on it and that really helped.

x x x x
That's fab news about hubby getting his Visa :-) As for back pain...your bump is big and low and you look very slim framed so I'm not suprised it's giving you back ache! Hope a hot water bottle can ease it a bit. As for midwife...that's rubbish when you are so far along!! xx
Thanks girls :D We are so happy and just trying to decide the best time for him to come. Hes really busy with work so can only come for a max of 2 weeks but as we dont know when baby is gonna arrive its hard to decide. I think id rather he came later then even if he misses the birth he'll get to spend time with lil one :D

Im gonna have a hot bath then hot water bottle and see if that helps...

And I know the midwife didnt even know how to book me in at the hospital i wanted to go to .. useless.. if baby decides to come any time soon im just going to have to turn up at a hospital with no notes or anything eekk..

Ohh well at least im nearly finished buying everything we needed so can rest for a while :D
Thanks girls :D We are so happy and just trying to decide the best time for him to come. Hes really busy with work so can only come for a max of 2 weeks but as we dont know when baby is gonna arrive its hard to decide. I think id rather he came later then even if he misses the birth he'll get to spend time with lil one :D

I'm having this problem aswell - hubby lives in London during the week so has booked 2 weeks holiday. It was so hard to know when to book it for - we've decided on 1 week before due date and one week after....but you just never know!! It's more important to me to have him with me at the birth as I'm terrified and really want him with me. It'll be just my luck that he'll stay those 2 weeks and they'll be no sign at all, then the minute he hops back on the bus to London I'll go into labour!!! xx
I think Im going to do it so hes here from the 6th until the 16th may.. im not to bothered about him being at the birth but i definately want him to meet baby before he goes home.. so at least with the 16th if i go 2 weeks over (reallly hope not) he'll hopefully still get a day with lil one before he goes :D

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