Back ache?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Hi, i've just started my final trimester. i've heard this is the easy bit, not so sure about that. Anyway, i'm getting an ache on the left hand side of my back, well ribs to be more precise. i cant sit for more than 5 mins without it beginning to ache. maybe my posture isnt right. is this a common problem? can anyone help or advise. thanks

welcom to 3rd tri. Erm, I think for most of us 3rd tri can be hard work due to ever expanding bump, tiredness etc. They usually refer to 2nd tri as the honeymoon period :D

Your pains could be due to babys position perhaps, not sure. You might want to get a gym/birthing ball if you haven't already got one, you might feel more comfortable sitting on that at intervals. It will give you a more upright posture.
I got quite a lot of rib flare which is apparently due to your ribs expanding to accommodate your LO.

Rib flare
This problem is due to the growing baby pushing the ribs out of their normal position. Try to change position frequently. Avoid sitting on low chairs and in other positions that bring your ribs close to your pelvis. You may get temporary relief by lifting the arm on the affected side and bending sideways away from the ache. Sitting cross-legged (tailor fashion) with your hands on your head also gives some relief.

The lifting of the arms seemed to really help and was suggested by someone on here. As Bagpuss said birthing balls are good for posture too :D
Thanks for that, i'll try what you've suggested. Hopefully it'll ease the ache.
ooh, you're due four days after me! :wave:

i get this, pain in my coxicks (no idea how to spell that!) and my ribs. i just put it down to the (many) aches & pains of lugging a baby round with you all the time. i don't have it constantly, usually if i've been sat in the car (low seats, like posted above) for a long time.

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