Baby's head in my pelvis?

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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It certainly feels like it! I can feel pressure very low down, sort of behind and under my pubic bone. This morning I couldnt even put my new maternity jeans on, they just wouldnt pull up the bump was so low and hard down there.

Should I be concerned? Is it normal?! I can really feel bubs way down low! :eh:
It seems a bit early, but I was told that because I am quite sporty the babys head will more than likely rest on my pelvis a bit more due to stomach muscles. I know youdo alot of running, so maybe in the same boat?
It could be! I can't get over it, its so low and hard down there. I feel like baby is going to poke its head out and say hello! Im off to bed to lie down I think, see if it encourages a change of position or entices bubs back up!
Good idea! If you are still the same in the morning and are worried about it - ring your mw. Just for the reassurance if nothing else! x
I might do, its really making my back ache and low down tummy too. Perhaps bubs is just nestling down,we'll see how it is in the morning :)
I think my babes is low too - can't remember having a bump this low before and although i know bubs is head down i've had to sit down quickly a couple of times today because it felt like i was getting a good kick down there!
My bumps started to drop down now, cause I can pretty much fit my hand under the boobs before hitting bump which I couldnt do before and I get alot of pressure 'down there' as well as the very bottom of my bump feeling very heavy. Oh its not pleasent. If I walk for too long, like you, I feel like babys going to pop out and say hello!

Im waiting and seeing how it goes (as it doesnt feel like its a problem) but my next appointment is in less than 2 weeks so I can ask the midwife then if it doesnt improve. I hope the pressure eases for you :) x
I agree if its the same in the morning give your MW a bell hun. I felt like there was pressure down below a couple of weeks ago and LO's head is firmly down now, but the actual pressure turns out to be SPD, although I think you've said in another post that you had this with Rosie so I suppose you know the feeling. I did quite a bit of running before falling pregnant too and didn't know that it could mean head goes down earlier Erin, makes sense though - you learn something new every day! xx
Well when I got up earlier it was easier, the bump was softer at the bottom which I think meant that babyhad shifted. However, after being up for an hour I think bubs has migrated South again! No achiness this morning however.
I think babies heads can start engaging early i dont think its anything to worry about, But as others have said if your worried speak to your midwife. It must be nice knowing whats where tho, i cant tell what position babies in atm lol. x
Glad to hear your feeling better today x
I hope you have a more comfortable day today RM!

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