Baby's breathing


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2007
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Sebastian really scares me sometimes. while he is sleeping and feedng, its almost like he forgets to breathe and ends up gasping for his breath am just so scared that he does it while I am sleeping and I dont hear him. I cant remember Josh doing this. Is this normal or should I speak to my Dr??
Leif does that to, i have bought a breathing moniter for him.
Well Seb had his 6 week check up yesterday. I mentioned his breathing. She asked me if he had actually stopped breathing, which he hasnt and when I decsribed it to her (noises and all :lol: ) She asked if he was ever sick with it? I told her not to be silly as he wouldnt think of parting with any food (big, greedy boy). She thinks he may have a reflux problem but as he isnt actually being sick she isnt quite sure and told me to keep an eye on him over the next few weeks and if he is the same she will give me some medicine to put in his feeds, or it could be that his weight has something to do with it. He is now 13lb 13oz. Apart from that he is a happy, healthy big boy :D
Bless him, beautiful big boy that he is, he sounds lovely :D :hug:
Isaac always has and still makes funny noises whilst eating, he often eats too fast and causes himself to splutter a little, but nothing to worry about, and also they breathe through their noses and as their nasal passages are still developing that causes odd noises too :hug: but always check with HV or GP if worried, very best wishes :)

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