Baby's bag contents


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
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What do you pack in the bag you take out and about with baby?

So far I have:

Changing Mat
Bag for wet clothes/bibs etc
Nappy Sacks
Disposable bibs
Burping Cloths
Bottles/Feeding Bowl/Spoon (too early to buy any form of foods!)
Sanatising hand gel

I know to put a change of clothes, spare vest etc in there too but don't know sizes etc yet so that will be a later addition.

Anything I've missed that you find you need/use when your out and about?

Also: If you were off on holidays and were to take this onboard an aircraft (long haul flight) would you add anything in addition to your daily out and about bits and bobs?

Thanks :hug:
They adivse you don't use talc on young babies as they can inhale it....You will need breast pads for you if you are planning to breast feed

You also need something for washing LO'sa bum ..I take cotton wool for if i am at someones's house but have a sample pack of wipes for if i can't get near water.
You take a lot more than me. All i have in mine is:
nappy bags
changing mat
spare clean dummy
carton of baby milk for emergancys
Good point about the talc, never thought about that and I forgot breastpads, I got sample packs from Avent, I've thrown a few packets of those in the bags!! Calpol is a great idea too...I think those little sachets look good, disposable etc.

What's Ambersol?
careful of the sachets, Jacob will not even now take medicine from a spoon, i have to use a syringe and you cant get the syrup from the packet to a syringe very easily!!
Thats what I love about posting stuff like always get honest and helpful answers. I didn't even think about getting the stuff out of the sachets (just thought about the convenience etc) and then the whole taking it from a spoon at a later date etc....thanks!! :hug:
Sorry anbasol for teething. I never go anywhere without it once they get a bit older.
no problem! Wish i had asked before i bought a whole box :D
i also take a spare blanket and a mini flask for heating up bottles when i'm out and about.

A spare vest and sleepsuit if any accidents on clothes.
I dont stray too far so take...

Nappies (3)
Wipes (About 10)
Nappy Sacks (3)
Changing mat
A flat nappy I use on the changing mat
Bottle (1 or 2)
Fisher price flask (Fantastic invention!)
Milk powder dispenser
Carton of milk for emergencies
Bib or muslin
Baby gro
Spare dummy

It sounds a lot but its not really. I leave everything in there except the bottles, milk powder and flask
princess_h said:
omg im going to need a big bag!!! :oops:

:rotfl: I know what you mean. I think the flask of hot water is an excellent idea and will be popping some teething gel in there too I think. I shan't be straying too far from home without DH, just walks into town etc so shouldn't be too bad but will have to remember the other things when we take Pudding down to Dad's for the day or if we go visiting Daddy at work etc!!
Thanks for that...know what I'm looking for now.
Sounds great that I don't need an extra tub/jug to heat it up in either.
Well the flask arrived yesterday (it's great!!) as well as a heap of other things I naughtily ordered. I bought some more bottles (closer to nature ones) and all sorts of bibs, muslin, wipes etc...I can't wait till DH trots off to work tomorrow I can sit and sort out my baby bag!! Hehehe although he bought a hospital/maternity type bag today too so suppose I should do that one first, he's worried I'm not going to reach 40 weeks then not know where anything is if he needs to go finding it!! :D
i've got the same flask and its one of the best inventions ever, i agree minime :cheer:
For Lydia I take:

nappies (approx 3-5)
fold-up travel changing mat
nappy bags (or plastic bags from the vegetable stand in supermarkets lol)
change of trousers
pack of wipes
bottle of water

I'll be taking the same stuff when baby no#2 comes along (apart from no water for him) but I'll be adding to that:

change of entire outfit (as opposed to just trousers)
small blanket for discreet breast-feeding
sanitary/maternity towels
teething ring

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