baby wont move :'(


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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Not had no movement today hardly apaprt from the odd wriggle.
S/he normally moves loads of times a day but hardly nothing today, I have felt really run down and tired too and just can't seem to stay awake no matter how hard I try.
Since friday I have had really bad stomache pains in my lower abdomen and in the left side of my stomache.
Anyhoo me and OH were lay in bed earlier and I was trying absolutley EVERYTHING to try and get him/ her to move and would just not move :( , I can feel the baby poking out though :eek: just above my pubic bone I can feel its head and body.
Am I just being paranoid because I am getting real worried I have my scan not this friday but the friday after and I don't know weather to ring my hospital and ask them if they could do it earlier just to put my mind at ease? I keep thinking there is something wrong with my baby! :(
They wont scan earlier hun but I'm sure if you ring they'll have a listen with a doppler x
I have one of my own so I could use that :) .. I used it yesterday though and baby was fine.. kicked whilst i was using it aswell which kinda hurt my ears.. I felt really bad though i keep thinking it is my fault why s/he wont move. I was poking , shaking, putting a light on my belly just for him/her to move for daddy but nothing. I feel really bad could I have harmed it in any way?x
No hun, I poke my little man all the time! Have you tried an ice cold drink that gets my little man going, he's not been moving as much cause of the heat though and I'm 24 weeks x
yes i tried it wriggled abit then conked out again lol
Just getting worried over nothing I think, I wanted this baby for sooo long and was TTC for 6 months I think I worry myself to much, at the beginning of my pregnancy I was jumping about and everything because I am still rather immachure for my age, this babys a little warrior so I cant see anything being wrong.

Ill wait till the scan and realise I have been worrying myself over nothing :)
:D well we all worry Hun, you can see my tummy move and everything now lol xx
awww can you?
I cant wait for that :D I just wake up in the morning with my belly being some horrible shapes because of the way bubby is lay it was like a ski slope this morning haha
Hahaha my little man likes to mould my belly into weird shapes aswell!! Been able to see it for ages I'm just under ten stone and It's my second but I'm huge lol xx
Im only 7 stone 2 and Ive hardly even got a bump its shocking! love my morning moulds though :D
At this stage if your baby turns round so he/she is kicking towards your back or into the placenta you won't feel it x
At 18 weeks my little man wasn't moving everyday! Ive been feeling him from 14/15 weeks but i didn't get constant movements until 20 weeks, now he doesn't stop!!!
hey hun...i would try and not worry about 20 + days and feel some movements...kicks when am sitting still or lying down...i never used to get regualar movements before! ul start getting regular movement just try not to stress about it..xx
I dont even know what Placenta I have got :S... should the hospital have told me?
Your find out at your 20 week scan!! At 12 weeks I had posterier and 20 week anterior but I'm still feeling loads of movements
i wouldnt worry too much if you have a doppler just check the heartbeat and as long as everything is ok i wouldnt worry 2 much until your next scan x
I haven't felt mine move at all. This thread has just made me worried!
some people dont feel baby move till later on in the pregnancy expeccially if it is your first, The only reason I was worried is because baby was moving quite often and then all of a sudden it wont move :| .. I can feel it there in my belly but it will now only move when I poke at it and not on its own like it used too , dont worrry x
Its still really early to get regular movements hun, won't be long hun :)

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