baby weights

Noah was 9lb7oz, and his head measurment was on the largest possible centile :shock: :shock: He was 9 days late.

which all the midwives commented on. As a result I suffered coccydynia, where my tail bone was knocked out of line, so it caused me great pain on sitting and had me off work for 6 months on incapacity benefit and even now causes me twinges of pain. The midwife sugested I leave it 2 years beofre having any more children, advice that Im ignoring! But this time I will have growth scans towards the end and if the head is measuring as big again I will have a cesarian to avoid further damage.

Sorry to scare anyone!
i have a displaced coccyx too! My 8Ib 14 ouncer was the culprit.
The thing is, when I had examinations from midwives in the run up to the birth, they kept telling me that is felt like it was going to be a small baby, to the point where I worried it wasnt growing enough, now I want to find those midwives and give them a smack!
Geez it was the same wit h me you know! :doh: They kept making me feel like i was a neurotic mother saying it was a smallish baby. They really don't know there arse from their elbows im sure of it,.
Charlie was 7lb 10 and was 1 week later, I can't imagine giving birth to any bigger :shock:
well youd better brace yourself as your second is usuallu larger than the first. :rotfl:
they told me harry was an average size baby,how can they call 9lb7 at 38 weeks average :shock:
budge said:
well youd better brace yourself as your second is usuallu larger than the first. :rotfl:

that's what they told me too when I had Lydia...I nearly died lol! There's no WAY I can have a bigger baby...seriously no way.
Arianna was 7lb 7 3/4oz and 13days late.

Seren was 8lb 6 13 days late. She was meant to be a 9-10lber apparently but they obviously got the easurements wrong thankfully.

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