Baby Weight

Ive got my red book to hand here.
My one is called My Personal Child Health Record, it records all of Rubys jabs, when shes had them and when what is due.
It also gives you guide lines of when they should be doing things like rolling over, teething, sits unsupported, walking etc.
And then theres the weight and height chart thing. To be honest I dont understand it much, I never did when Josh was a baby either.
The charts have these centile lines on them, in my book the bold line is going on the 50th centile, Im guessing this is the ideal weight but Ruby doesnt follow it. And its the same on the height chart.
I hope this helps you out. As I say I dont totally understand the centile bit.

If you do a search on the net it'll tell you more about it, we're in Oz and i've got a blue book which is the same as the red book basically got info on injections, health checks and baby development, also got pages for notes and the centile charts

found these

C is for Centile Chart
Your baby's weight, height and head circumference will be plotted in your baby's Personal Child Health Record, the record book held by you and filled in by any health professionals who see your baby at regular pre-determined check-ups during her first few years. The centile charts work on averages so being on the "50th centile" for weight or height means your baby is bang on average for her age. Similarly, being on the "91st centile" for height indicates that your baby is tall for her age.
Did you know? On average, babies double their birthweight by six months old and triple it by the first birthday

This should answer all your questions :)
Thanks Rooander and Manda

Our little white book is cr*p in comparison! It's only got about 8 pages to it!


Colby weighed 6lbs 8oz when she was born and 3 weeks ago she was 8lbs 9oz, havent took her to be weighed sincebut she gets her jabs on wednesday :( and her assesment on thursday so she will be weighed again then.
Bloody hell Carey is a lot heavier than most... at almost 5 months he's weighing 17lb 8oz - his body is very chubby but his face dont look it! he was born at 7lb 11oz so he's put on 10lbs in 21 weeks???
I weighed Brody yesterday, he was 16lb 12oz (22 weeks)
Ella was 6lb 8.5oz at birth and at 20 weeks she is 16lb 10oz.
My little boy was 6lb 9.5 oz at birth and weighed 18lb 15.5 oz this week - I'm dying for him to tip over to 19lbs as his weight has been up and down 18lbs for 3+ weeks with him being poorly. He's better now though, fortunately.
Colby was 9lbs 4oz on thursday but i have stepped her milk up to the swecond one as shes only taking 5oz but still looks very hungry but if she has anymore shes sick if that makes any sence :?
Ella was 17lb 2.5oz today - she's 22 weeks old. She is between the 75th and 91st centiles for weight and the 50th centile for height and head circumference (I asked the HV to check today). Her weight gain has slowed right down, she's only put on 8.5oz in a fortnight.

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