Another weight question!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Just wanted to check if this is alright,

Arianna is now 37wks old and weighs 18lb 7oz. Is this alright.... I know deep down it prob is as she is bang on the 50th centile line in both weight and height but as the weekend I saw my friends baby girl who is 4 1/2mths younger than Arianna and weighs 19lb 13oz! She doesn't look big or anything.

Arianna was 7lb 7 3/4oz when she was born and my friends was 9lbs, I know that means she'll prob always be bigger.... but that much so quick?
all babies are different.

if she looks ok and is healthy and alert etc then its ok.

all my kids were roughly 21Ib on their first birthday. Bethany was only 19Ib but she was healthy so it was right for her.

STOP worrying :lol:
Thanks Budge!! I knew it would be ok, just needed someone to tell me!!

I know.... stupid!! :roll:
nah its not stupid! you never stop worryingabout kids do you :roll:

my mum still worrys about my brother and hes 44 :shock:
Olivia is nearly 40wks (on fri) was 18lb 5oz 2 weeks ago, she was due to be weighed on friday but the clinic was shut due to it being good friday! Olivia is just slightly below the 50th centile line!

She was 7lb 4oz when she was born!

I think your right about bigger babies always being bigger because my neighbours son in 10 wks older he was 10lb 6 at birth and he has always weighed a lot more than Olivia!

I was looking at Brooke's Health record the other day from when she was a bubba! I was comparing it to Olivia's and Brooke was always smaller but she was only 4lb when she was born!

Arianna is doing fine :D
I know how you feel, i always compare Aimee to other babies but she is always gonna be smaller i think. She was 8lb 11oz born but now at 16 months she only weighs 21lbs. I would try not to worry to much (i know its hard) she sounds perfectly healthy to me.

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