Baby wants.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
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.....crisps, all the time. I just can't stop. I'm even eating flavours I never liked before. I'm going to be the size of a house soon. I've had 3 packets already today :oops: and I'm not sure if that is the end!!!!! :shock:

What food does your baby want all the time?!?!?!

Alex xxx
Sometimes crisps too! Cheese and Onion or Salt and Vinegar! I'm not usually a crisp person!

Otherwise, chicken burgers, peanut butter on toast, orange squash, red apples and sweeties!
My baby wants...

...EVERYTHING!! Greedy little sprog - on the plus side, nice to see it's taking after its mummy.

Sea food.

I see food - I eat it. :rotfl:

Sigh. Now I'm laughing at my own (lame) jokes.

It's time I left the building.
Tadpole said:
Sea food.

I see food - I eat it. :rotfl:

Sigh. Now I'm laughing at my own (lame) jokes.

It's time I left the building.

That was quite good Tadpole :rotfl: , it's the same here. I stopped having morning sickness two weeks ago and now extreme eating has taken over. I'm going to be HUGE!

im so the same, crisps, crisps and more crisps!!! its depressing, i know im going to get oh so fat :(
mine was crisps too...
that was until weekend when i walked past the sweet section in a shop and bought haribo (LOTS of it) and loads of other chewy type sweets!!

it was like an impulse thought saying....... Buy them.. NOW!!!! :rotfl:

OH says im just using it as an excuse!! :oops:
Im not.............. honestly! :dance:
Oh its so hard to chose
he like so much naughty stuff
his fave are caburys cream eggs (or is that mine :think: )
he loves mint choccie chip ice cream (nope that's just me agian)
crips salt and vineger and paprika walkers
he does love a chinese
sweet and sour chicken hong kong style
prawn crakers and mini spring rolls YUMMMMY :D

mandarins and grapes and fruit bars
pomegranete and blueberry juice ummmmmmmmm

also loves sugar snaps i can eat a whole box in one go
ooh crisps!! definately got to be salt and vinegar (i used to be a smoky bacon girl, lol).

Baby also wants non added sugar blackcurrant squash (drink like a good 2lt a day at the mo!!) and bachehelors super noodles to go, chicken flavour!!

does anyone else worry about what they are eating? I know we are supposed to be REALLY GOOD and eat nothing but veggies, protein, calcium etc....but i can't stay away from the calories and fat! Don't get me wrong, i am eating all good stuff, i'm just eating a load of c**p as well (mmmm Big Mac! :lol: )

Is this really bad?! i try to be good but i can't help myself :oops:
Crisps all the way and yes i did gain lots of weight :wall:
but the strangest thing my baby wants from now is CERELAC :rotfl:
Mine wants radishes :rotfl: I'll eat a whole tub of them in front of the telly at night. Also salt and vinegar crisps- I have only been having one a day though as I'm huge already!
I worry too Rosie1 so I'm trying to be alot better this week- mmmm I'm hungry!
Lemon squash! We used to get through one bottle of square a week now i have to often send DH out to get more! Think the most we have got through is 5 bottles. Also quite liking milkshakes (the nesquick ones - strawberry in particular!)

No other cravings really, possibly pickle but i liked that before anyway so eating more of it isn't much of a problem!
I've got one for BLT sandwiches, it's something about the tomato and bread combination that gets me going everytime. I just love all these things that I wasn't too fussed on before.
Rosie1 said:
does anyone else worry about what they are eating? I know we are supposed to be REALLY GOOD and eat nothing but veggies, protein, calcium etc....but i can't stay away from the calories and fat! Don't get me wrong, i am eating all good stuff, i'm just eating a load of c**p as well (mmmm Big Mac! :lol: )

Is this really bad?! i try to be good but i can't help myself :oops:

OH keeps telling me to be careful what I'm eating. Think he's worrying about how fat I'll get! :roll:

On top of what I've wrote above, I have wanted loads of other baddy foods too! Big Mac...Mmm I want one now after reading that! But it's fave seems to be KFC! (Or may that's just coz it's nearer!) And been wanting a sausage sandwich for a while but we never buy sausages!

I'm embracing it now though after my appetite going on its jollies for the past few weeks, Im so glad it's back!!!

My Loves are:

crackers with butter on them enough to taste that creamy cool sensation
pickle gerkins, i dreamt about them last night
grapefruit athough my husband is feeding me so much beginning to hate
HP brown sauce with most meals - this has stayed with me most of my pregnancy.

Cheese on Toast :D

And I have developed this week a taste for Tuna, Sweetcorn and Philadelphia Jacket Potato but the potato has to have really burnt skin.

Also when i went shopping yesterday I bought loads of fruit didn't realise how much fruit i had bought until i got home. So maybe fruit is another :think:
not got food cravings, but am drinking pure lemon juice by the bottle!!! hope its good for me and bubs, it gets that bad when i go to the supermarket to buy it, sometimes I have to drink some before I actually get to checkout to pay for it :oops: cant help it! :D
I haven't really got anything specific, just once I get something into my head I have to have it. Last night it was M&M's, this morning it was crumpets but we havent got any, I still want some now :wall:

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