baby walkers


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
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Who gunna use one?
just got herbie's out and he loves it, I know hv arent very keen but I used one with month and dolly and the both walked at 10 months think it helps them and they never walked on there toes or anything like that.
He just wants to be stood up all day so it has really helped me out and couldnt believe how good he was in it he can run lol.
he's been chasing the dog and moans for toys he can see on the floor when walking about.
Why are HV against them? I used them for my older boys with no probs and will be getting one for Drake too!
oh when they have been to visit me they always frown upon them said said if you really must have one limit it to 20 mins twice a day.
Not 100% sure why they dont like them think its to do with walking.
I feel like i've got my arms back the last few days he hates his bouncer chair now only other thing he like is the jumperoo cos he is stood up
Yeah drake is the same, he loves standing up.. arms are friggin killing me lol
I spent most of my day holding Tegan up! she's got a jumperoo But can't reach the floor so isn't impressed lol! she loves her door bouncer though. i've got a baby walker for her when she's bigger x
I spent most of my day holding Tegan up! she's got a jumperoo But can't reach the floor so isn't impressed lol! she loves her door bouncer though. i've got a baby walker for her when she's bigger x

I've got two Argos catalogues under my wii fit board helping Isla to play. She loves it! All she wants to do is stand and bounce. It's making my arms ache lol. Xx
I got one ready to use when time right! I think as long as they not in them for hours at once or before they ready it be fine! xx Also got a jumperoo cant wait until hes ready for that xx
I would use one if my house was a bit bigger but we don't have any spare floor space so there's not much point!!
I've still got Laceys old one but she could only go backwards in it! Lol I hope charley gets on better!!
I work with physios and they really really dont recommend them. They have a whole caseload of kids who havent learned to walk because of them. There was a paediatric physiotherapist conference last year about getting them banned.

When theyre young their hips are in a different position and if they overuse the muscles it can anchor them in that position. Often they learn to stand really quick from them but get stuck at that stage and need physio. Also all the research studies have shown that they actually slightly slow down a child learning to walk not make them advanced. They dont have to balance in the baby walker so they really struggle without it cos they think they can jsut walk without balancing!

She did say to me that some kids use them and are absolutely fine, but Ive never met a physiotherapist who would put their baby in one. I put my LO in a bouncer sometimes, cos in the real world, I havent got all day to be holding him up while he jumps and my arms would end up like popeyes! As long as youre not using them to try and make your child learn to walk I think its okay, but health visitors are right, I wouldnt leave a baby in one for a long amounf of time.
Liv loves hers and is starting to pull herself up in her cot and takes steps it's scary how advanced she is. I don't have anything against them but from tinys post I understand why people do x

My friend didn't use a walker for that reason Tiny and her boy has only just started taking his first couple of steps at 18 months old. (she was at her wits end trying to watch him crawl everywhere) I'm not saying her not using one delayed her sons walking but I do think it helps a little. It isn't the reason why I put them in them. Its more so they can go and explore the world (safely of course) a bit more and not be completely frustrated by being held all the time.
^^^ yeah I put him in the bouncer for that reason too, they get so frustrated dont they!
Mine is getting frustrated being in his bouncer! He constantly wants be entertained or on the move..little bugger lol I think I found the 4 month mark hard with my others too, they get so easily frustrated, want to sit but can't sit up, don't want to lie down etc!
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yeah I got a high chair when morgan was 4 months so he could sit in the kitchen while I was getting on with stuff!

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