Baby walkers - beneficial???


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Unfortunately Isabella cant have one as the design of our house would make it impossible for her to move about with it, hence why we are moving!!

Do you think it helps them to walk earlier? Isabella has a activity centre which she stands in and can move round in it. She really is not showing any signs of walking or even crawling????
my hv told me not to use a baby walker because the should develop on there own :?
All the mums at mother & toddler whose LO is using one is really mobile :? :? :?
my hv said, if used too much, it can effect the way the walk (on tip toes). but i was brought up using one, and i walk just fine :think:

but babies will learn to walk and crawl without.

my flat is too small for alices, so it will stay at my mums and she can use it there!
I never had one for Emma, and she started walking at 11 months.
I think they are great, my mum used them on all my brothers and sisters and they all walked from 10/11 months, wether it was the walker or not I dont know.

But I like them for the fact they can be more mobile and they cant get upto anything while they are in it :lol: Id rather use one than put them in a play pen ( I hate them )

Obviously u shouldnt put them in all the time but occasionaly should be ok
i wouldnt worry bout the walking crawling thing hun B showed no signs then wen he was 9months we were at work waiting for mum and he just went and the same with walking just did it
Jamies been in his walker since 5mths and now he has excellent balance and co ordination. when hes bein held by the hands he will walk without prompting, his legs arent bowed and he changes direction, speed etc when he wants.
i personally found the walker to b a lifesaver when all ur baby wants to do is explore, follow u around and see what u r doin so for me, it was a good choice to buy one! :D
i am contemplating with the idea of a baby walker for Louie, but not sure for some reason :think:
my other 2 had the but Josh scuffed the bottom of our leather sofa with constantly bashing into it.
Hi, I have got one of these for son (and he loves it!) but didin't have one for daughter and she walked when she was 12 months old.

There is some evidence to suggest that babies who have walkers walk later than other children - this is what I have heard from HV and my BF who lives in Germany said they are not popular over there for that reason. (she was quite shocked that I had one and then gave me a lecture on it which went in one ear and out the other)

I personally think children all develop at own pace anyway regardless of wether or not they have a walker! I think it made Aidan more content because like isabella he didn't show any interest in walking or crawling but he loved it when he could move from place to another by himself.

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