baby toys


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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i have seen so many lovely baby toys (mainly Whoozit) that i am trying my hardest to resist buying, as i know Newborn dont really "need" thoso kind'a toys yet,
but when did your LO start engaging with simple toys and teethers???
LO's hand/fist is currently the most effective teether as is anything she can find... clothes, muslins, flannels, arms... I got given some as a pressie and though she might use them in the future she has no interest in them at the mo.

Most interesting toys are flannels (she pulls it, puts it on her face, chews the corners, shakes it) and wooden spoons (hits stuff including self). Apart from them and people she's only interested in her Olly the Octopus toy that someone gave us (ELC) and a v-tech playgym I bought from someone on here. She probably started becoming interested in things at about 5-6 weeks but was a while until she started swiping/grabbing etc. In the first few weeks people are by far the most interesting thing!
Lots of people got Whoozits and I thought "how good can they be?" but when I was given one he loved it. Still likes playing with it occasionally tho he's 7 months now. He's got a ball that makes a noise when he pushes it and has liked that for a while. Mostly liked looking at lights and faces when he was very little!
Calleigh had a few toys and rattle type things but to be honest the only things she really likes at the moment is a set of linked teething ring things and a little teddy.
I would strongly advise the Tiny Love Pram book, LO love it- I have it in the moses basket during the daytime and he really loves to look at the Newborn side, I also use it in the pram when we are out and about. It's great as it cn be used when he is older too. I would defo reccomend as an early toy. I also have a mini whooit but I haven't used it properly yet so not too sure if it is any good, I might incest in the spiral too becase that look pretty impressive.

Alex xxx
Louis is just starting to be interested in toys now. His favourite is the Lamaze mirror which you can use with or without the wedge (the wedge also makes a great support for tummy time),,, he is talking to himself, smiling to himself, even laughing, keeps him busy as nothing else 8) ... largeImage
I would say that the first 'toy' your LO will love is your face!!!! There are so many toys around, but I don't think nothing beats interracting with parents first. Babies smile at someone's face first, not toys :D

Currently LO really likes her mobile which is hanging over her in the pram, as well as teething toys and anything she can chew (including mummy's fingers :rotfl: ).
From about 2 weeks she wanted to stare at things with good contrast so we got a cot book and we still have that on her changing mat. She went in her cot at 4 or 5 weeks and loves her mobile (Fisher Price Miracles and Milestones). At about 6 weeks we got a bouncer chair (Fisher Price Sensory Sensations?) and we wished we'd got it sooner as at last we could put her down for 15 minutes :D At around 10 weeks we got her the £6 caterpillar toy from the Early Learning Centre and put it in her pushchair. She loved to stare at it and within a few days had started reaching for it and within a week was grasping it and crinkling it. Last week we were at a friend's and she had a wooden play gym from the Early Learning Centre and she had used ribbon so that the toys hung lower down so that her LO could reach them. DD loved it!!! SO we got one too - it was only £17.50 in the sale! And it occupies her for at least half an hour a day so we'll definitely get our money's worth out of it. We also have a mini Miffy mobile hanging from the hood of her pushchair and she's loved looking at the for weeks now.

We have other things but these are the ones that actually entertain her and encourage her to do things. The other toys she could take or leave at the moment though she has started reaching for stuffed toys so maybe they will be played with soon.

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