Baby Temper Tantrums


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Can babys as young as 3 months have temper tantrums Alex is in her bouncy chair with her toys etc she is fed changed and winded when I turn away and stop talking to her even if its for just a second she screaches not crying or whinging this awful high pitched screatch when I look at her and talk to her she stops and smiles. anyone any ideas?? xx
Omg yes my LO has had then since about ten weeks , in fact she's having one now lol x
yeah, alyssa screams if she dosent get her way lol, usually when your doing something she dosent want done like putting her in her cot or handing her to daddy
Well im sure Aimee started early! Cries and cries until you hold her and stand up. She don't let me sit down!
lol Alyssa does that to oh and my mum, she cries when they sit n stops when they stand. i think she likes being higher than everyone else.
Charlie was like that too Bev thinks he's king of the world lol.

Omg he had an almighty tantrum in Asda today cause he wanted to come out of his car seat, was stretching and straining and throwing hid dummy and got annoyed cause it was attached to him mwahahaa! I could have died of embarrassment though I just looked away and pretended I couldn't hear him.

He also does this when the car stops in traffic little bugger! Gonna be even more fun when he's throwing himself on Asdas floor! Might opt for home delivery, I think its worth the fiver delivery charge haha! X
lol Alyssa does that to oh and my mum, she cries when they sit n stops when they stand. i think she likes being higher than everyone else.

Yep got my very own Queen of Sheba! Likes being all high and mighty lol
He also kicks the bottom of his cot and throws himself around the cot in frustration, I swear one day that things gonna collapse. I don't know where he gets his temper from, you don't see me throwing myself around lol. Think I've just given him everything he wants and when he cant have things like wires and remotes he doesn't like it x
Alice has tantrums too! If she's playing with something she shouldn't be and we take it off her she cries. And if she sees another baby with a bottle, all hell breaks out!! Even if she's not long had one, full on screams until she gets something!
Lol, aww bless you.. yeh Mhairi does this too! has a proper paddy if she gets frustrated or doesnt get what she wants, she managed to pull the cats fur yesterday so of course that cat moved away. OMG you would have thought the world had ended they way she carried on because the cat had run off, bless her... not looking forward to the terrible twos.. dont know about you guys lol bless them
she also likes being up hogh. it might be wrong but im looking forward to tantrums i enjoy a challenge and find ot really quite amuzing. i might change my mind lol. do you guys give your babies what they want or do you let them paddy. xx
Most of the time I let him paddy but he's really stubborn and sometimes keeps it up for ages, depends how embarrassing it gets when I'm in a Que or something I usually just give him a rusk to keep him quiet, only at really stressy embarrassing times though x
atm i try to soothe her cos shes too young to understand so its not worth the battle really, half the time i dont know what it is she wants 100 % anyway lol. i persist in putting her down in her cot even if she screams cos she wants to be cuddled while asleep tho i wont let her get too upset. i end up picking her up then putting her down again a few times but i always win in the end lol
yey for mummys winning. alex is having one now its not crying more screaching so im just egnoring her. see how long she can go for shes going to give herself a sore throat xx
I just let LO have the tantrum. I don't do backing down! Lol

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