Baby 'sleeping' patterns


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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I was wonderin whether anyone else had a noticed their babies already have 'routines' as to when they are most active?

My little man seems to have a nudge in the morning when I get up, then is pretty quiet all day but will get his most active when OH gets home around 7:30pm then another little nudge to get comfy at bed time :)

My brothers GF said she did notice this with all their 3 and they even followed the same pattern for her after birth!!
I've started to notice a real pattern too and I'm gutted cos its so early in the morning that bubs wakes up first- i was hoping to have a late morning baby- wishful thinking I know! also jumps around at lunchtime and then early evening and bedtime. I wonder if this will be babys routine when its born- not long till we find out! baby is exactly the same...early morning, dinner time and especially in the evening. :D
:D Really hope so because Pip sleeps at about 1am and wakes at 10am! wishful thinking for me hehe!
BabyBee said:
:shock: I hope not! My LO is NEVER still! I swear she doesn't sleep!


Mine is the same. She seems to be fidgeting ALL the time (just like her father :roll: )
She used to have a sleeping pattern but lately it feels like she's up a lot of the time :think:

I usually wake up about 6am with her wriggling around like mad, like she's stuck or something (and judging by the 4D scan where her leg was up by her head I don't blame her for feeling uncomfy :lol: ) but she's being quiet at the moment so she might be asleep?

Hmmm! It's so strange how babies go to sleep and wake up in utero and get their own sleeping patterns!

Apparently, the patterns do start to become more obvious at our stage.

You might be lucky and have a lazy baby who lets Mummy sleep! At this rate, I'll be up every hour with a wide awake Evie :roll: :( xx
Yes, its one of the reasons I booked my 4d scan for 8 at night as this is when baby is most active! When I was in hospital with my first, there was a baby next to us who had his day and night mixed up! The midwives were very good with him though. Bless xx
clairedoran said:
Yes, its one of the reasons I booked my 4d scan for 8 at night as this is when baby is most active! When I was in hospital with my first, there was a baby next to us who had his day and night mixed up! The midwives were very good with him though. Bless xx

This is what we've done for our next one, booked for 7.30pm so hope he's wondering about having a kick around next time!
HideiLu said:
My brothers GF said she did notice this with all their 3 and they even followed the same pattern for her after birth!!

I am in for a rough time then!! Aimee is quiet until about 11am, gets all hyper and then calms down after lunch about 1-ish. By dinner time she is hyper again but her most hyper moments are at midnight! :think: She also gets the hiccups around that time as well! :lol:
He doesn't seem to have a pattern.....just active all the time! When I'm rushing around and really busy he seems to go quiet though, maybe I just notice him less x
When Clark was on the inside I thought I was doomed, he never seemed to stop kicking me for more than half an hour at a time even through the night! I was convinced he was going to be a really bad sleeper but he has been an angel, slept right through from 7 weeks and he's a bugger to get up in the mornings! :D
my baby has followed its pattern from when she was in the womb. She had a kick about in the morning, then was quiet all day and had a kick about in the early evening!!

I hope mine is calmer after birth than he/she is now!!!! When I went to be checked out at hospital a week ago they made me stay on the monitor for 2 hours as LO was so hectic and wasn't settling!!! I only have to touch my belly and he/she wakes and starts wriggling (LO gets quite cross if anything else comes into contact - he/she hated the monitors!!!) It seems to me like it's every hour or so but especially at night (just when I'm going to bed, huh!!!) LO is also having a lot of hiccups!!!
My one did have a pattern but this last week(must be becuase theres less room as I have just spurted out) where she would do what felt like somersaults in the afternoons and during the night.
Its lovely to feel it.
When I was preggo my LO was always very quiet in the day and completely crazy awake at night - he is the same now LOL
yip, it's bizarre, early morning, pretty much quiet through out the day but come early evening then bedtime it's a wriggling!
TBH it feels like Tally's awake most of the time, but i reckon she's a sleep wriggler too as sometimes i get the odd little movement with no consistency.

She tends to get up with me in the morning, wriggle most of the day, have a nice crazy active spurt late evening, and will calm down to sleep when i go down, i even started wondering if my voice was keeping her up last week as she seemed to sleep as soon as i shut-up!

She tends to stay quiet all night and i've never been woken by her kicks.
I PRAY this is how she'll be when she's here too lol
Our baby has a similar patter to yours - he had a wriggle in the morning for about 20 mins, is pretty quiet all day (I do feel movement but not much) and then has a good wriggle in the evening about 8/9pm.

L x

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