Baby Shower Stuff


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
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I read on a post somewhere that you don't really do baby showers in the UK...Sorry if I am wrong on that...And if I am right sorry for posting this question...But I figured it wouldn't harm any to ask...
I am looking for games for my baby shower and was wondering if anyone has any links for good baby shower sites? Everyone I find with printable games charge money...I was looking for a diaper outline that I could print and cutout to make paper diapers...But I cannot find one anywhere :(
Any links are appreciated...Thanks ladies...
Hi Pansy, i am so glad you asked about this i really want one too. A friend i mine did one of her friend and it sounds really fun, its a good chance to catch up with friends before you have the baby and you get lots of presants too great. I would like to have soon more ideas aswell thanks. :lol:
Hi Pansy
I live in South Africa now and baby showers are BIG here. It's normally organised by someone else and a complete surprise to you. I'm looking forward to it!!
I only know of one game. Every person that comes to the shower, has to tie a photo of themselves (as a baby), to the gift. You have to quess who it is before opening the gift. A correct guess will let you off the hook and incorrect guess will have you do something silly!!!
I hope this helps - haven't come accross any sites with good ideas!
Good luck and enjoy it!!! :lol:
ps: Do you have to organise your own shower or does someone else do it as a surprise?
Hi Alsha...Hope all goes well and you get your shower...They are so great and so much fun!!...I don't even care about the presents...Although they are a great help!...I just think it is a great way to celebrate a baby on the way...Pretty much all you need for a fun shower is some decorations,games,food,and a cake...And don't forget door prizes and game prizes...If you want more details on stuff like presents and food and stuff just PM me...I will be more than happy to help you out...
Hi Emilia...Showers aren't usually a surprise to mother to be here...Actually there is quite a controversy over that issue alone!...But yes it is planned by someone else...Usually mother to be's Mom,sister,best friend,co-worker's...My Mom and sister are planning mine...I am just stepping in and helping with the games...Because i can't just sit around and not help!...LoL...

I know it's on a craft site (the best in the world!) but if you look at a lot of the threads there are heaps of ideas for baby shower games and cakes etc:-

I've been using this board to get ideas for things to make- there are some really cool ideas there.

Hope this helps
Hi Pansy, I'm from the UK and Baby showers arn't that popular over here tend to get everything as a present when the baby is born! *Sulks* But good luck hope it goes well!
Hi! I am living in New Zealand at the moment and baby showers are huge over here - I am only 15 weeks and have already had different co-workers start talking about mine! Some people recently have asked to have theirs after the birth so they know what is needed and they know for sure the sex of the baby ... we even have gift registers in stores for baby showers! I agree with Pansy I just like the idea of the pre-celebration - bring on the fun and games I say!

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