baby rice / cereal


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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does everyone agree with waiting till 4-6 months?

does anyone know of younger babies being fine with these at all?
I started liv on solids about 2-3 weeks ago and she's fine x

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I waited until 5 and a half months before I brought solids in, I started with a fruit pot every lunchtime, and now, Odhrán is almost 8 months and he only has a dinner and dessert at lunchtime and a rusk before his bottle at bed.. I feel like I made the right decision for me and him, he wasn't lasting very long with his milk from around 3-4 months and I was thinking about trying something, I put him onto a heavier milk and it seemed to do the trick :) Is Annabelle not lasting between feeds? It's every parents own choice xx
I think I will wait til then as zach struggled digesting formula, so I don't think solids would be a good idea for a while xxx
iv just been starting on solids now and connors just turned 5 months :)
well she sleeps well in the evening but then when she wakes up for a feed she often finds it hard to get back to sleep.

for example a typical evening would be 7pm - 1am then wakes for milk. she struggles so badly with wind that after i have fully burped her she doesnt seem to be able to sleep properly because either shes woken up too much or she has trapped wind. then she wakes up again about 4am making the most uncomfortable noises bless her. i pick her up and she burps but then shes wide awake from being in pain (or at least uncomfortable) she seems to squirm and be so uncomfy at this time every morningi cant gether to go back to sleep at all.

i use infacol, and shes on cow and gate comfort. she cant stay up any later than about 7.30 because she goes into meltdown from being over tired, she loves bedtime and falls asleep easily every night at this time. , plus i LOVE my couple of hours in the evening, as being a single mum im manic all day on my own doing everything if u know what i mean!!

so i was thinking maybe the baby rice or cereal at her bedtime bottle may help her stay asleep longer? or will it just make her more uncomfortable?
Liv has cereal with her night time bottle but shes never really woke up in the night since she was born. She used to wake up at 5 and then sleep again till 8 and now she sleeps from 10 till 7 (sometimes later) and has a bottle and goes straight back down till about 10-11. I don't know if this helps at all x
It sounds like a bout of colic.. There's other things you can get to make her a little bit comfortable.. There's gripe water and colic drops.. If it's really bad there's also gaviscon for babies that you put into the bottle, I personally wouldn't give her the cereal or rice just yet, it sounds like she's struggling with the wind.. I walked the floors with Odhrán until he was 12 weeks, it was so exhausting, but once the colic left I had a very content baby! It's 100% completely up to you though :hug: xx
we tried gaviscon hun and she was so constipated.

if i gav her her one spoonful after her bedtime milk do you think that would help her rest better and maybe help with the wind?

she has v loose poos atm (on comfort but app thats normal) and a stuffy nose poor baby x
i personally wouldnt give her any, it sounds like shes got a sensitive digestive system and solids would just make it worse. i'd give gripe water of colief a go, they'll help with the wind. you can get colief on prescription, cos its quite expensive!
I've heard gripe water works wonders, I only found out about it when Odhráns colic had passed though :wall2:
i was giving her gripe in cooled boiled water but last night i tried putting it into her bottle and i think it worked better.

she still woke up at 4am sounding mega uncomfortable though. think i will have to try to get some colic drops or this colief on prescription :)
i gave her a tiny bit last night just to see and it made no difference. was exactly the same as the previous few nights. to bed at 7pm, up at 1am to feed. then up at 4am not hungry as in too much pain / uncomfortable :( wont be doing that again till shes older x
well it didnt make her any worse, but it didnt make her any better.

doctor has prescribed colic drops so fingers crossed that will help the little baby annaboo :)

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