well she sleeps well in the evening but then when she wakes up for a feed she often finds it hard to get back to sleep.
for example a typical evening would be 7pm - 1am then wakes for milk. she struggles so badly with wind that after i have fully burped her she doesnt seem to be able to sleep properly because either shes woken up too much or she has trapped wind. then she wakes up again about 4am making the most uncomfortable noises bless her. i pick her up and she burps but then shes wide awake from being in pain (or at least uncomfortable) she seems to squirm and be so uncomfy at this time every morningi cant gether to go back to sleep at all.
i use infacol, and shes on cow and gate comfort. she cant stay up any later than about 7.30 because she goes into meltdown from being over tired, she loves bedtime and falls asleep easily every night at this time. , plus i LOVE my couple of hours in the evening, as being a single mum im manic all day on my own doing everything if u know what i mean!!
so i was thinking maybe the baby rice or cereal at her bedtime bottle may help her stay asleep longer? or will it just make her more uncomfortable?