Baby not moving yet today - should I worry?

Small Flower

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Hi girls,

Normally baby is bouncing around all day, some days quieter than others, but today i've not felt him at all.

At what point do I need to start worrying that I haven't felt him move - or is it more important the further on in pregnancy I get?
Have you had a cold drink and a lay down afterwards? Hands on tummy gently pressing to see if you can feel LO wriggling.

It may be LO is just facing the other way and kicking hell out of your placenta so you won't feel a thing there.

Try the cold drink and lie down first and see if you feel anything then :)
If your worried at all call your midwife thats what they are there for Im sure all is fine but it doesnt do you or baby any good you worrying! :hug: :hug:
I'm at work so can't really have a lie down anywhere, I've had a can of coke - hopefully that will wake him up!

And I've been poking and prodding him all afternoon!

I'll have another cold drink of water then!
Small Flower said:
I'm at work so can't really have a lie down anywhere, I've had a can of coke - hopefully that will wake him up!

And I've been poking and prodding him all afternoon!

I'll have another cold drink of water then!

Hopefully it should do the trick. I can remember not always feeling my LO back then due to my placenta position. If you still can't feel anything give your MW a call and she may suggest something else (maybe going to see her) or asking you to nip to the maternity unit for a check on LO.
I'm not big enough to feel anything from my own just yet but my friend had a similar thing a couple of weeks ago.

As it turned out for her the baby was facing her back so she couldn't feel any of the kicks and movements. A couple of days later baby had turned back around and was kicking hell out of her again.

If you're worried speak to your MW as soon as you can
I had this at 25 weeks, she was SO active the day before and i didnt feel her all day after, it scared me as she usually moves as soon as i get up.
I went to midwife as after sugary drink, food, and a walk up there i still felt nothing. Went to the hospital and in her frenzied day before she'd totally flipped and was breech and had all her limbs attacking my placenta.
I felt a little silly for all my worry but the people at the hospital were lovely and never made me feel i was over reacting.
Hope he's moving for you soon :hug:
Hiya - you've probably felt movements by now and been reassured but if not, please let me offer some reassurances of my own.

I had this yesterday and if it hadn't been for my doppler I would have been quite worried. Day before LO had been super active and today is back to his normal active self but just yesterday there was virtually nothing. I slept all through the night when normally I am worken up, nothing in the morning, nothing nothing nothing until I drummed my fingers lightly on my tummy to wake him up, which worked. Strange but just one of those days I suppose.

I don't think the Maria storyline is helping us at the moment is it.
hi there

I think this is normal especially around this time because they still have a bit of room to hide, i am 23+3 and since 21 weeks until the start of this week my boy was really active then I hardly felt him at all but sure enough yesterday and today he hasnt stopped moving. If you do get worried though you can always go and get checked out, I hope your feeling fine :)

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