My baby simply is not budging himself into position far labour and due date is only 3 days away. If he never makes it, will this mean a c-section? I will be asking the midwife this tomorrow when I see her (and hoping she'll give me some good news!), suppose I just wanted to hear some positive stories where baby didn't go into the pelvis (and I mean 0% in the pelvis!) until labour.
I truly do not have the patience for waiting till 42 weeks. I doubt I'll get any sort of sweepage offered if baby isn't putting any pressure there. Everything just feels like it is going absolutely no where. I don't like seeing an empty moses basket by my bed
I have tried all the old wives tales of how to naturally induce labour, and obviously nothing has worked. Can not stand this waiting!
Reassuring words will be much appreciated. Ta ladies
I truly do not have the patience for waiting till 42 weeks. I doubt I'll get any sort of sweepage offered if baby isn't putting any pressure there. Everything just feels like it is going absolutely no where. I don't like seeing an empty moses basket by my bed

I have tried all the old wives tales of how to naturally induce labour, and obviously nothing has worked. Can not stand this waiting!
Reassuring words will be much appreciated. Ta ladies