Baby not in Pelvis


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2012
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My baby simply is not budging himself into position far labour and due date is only 3 days away. If he never makes it, will this mean a c-section? I will be asking the midwife this tomorrow when I see her (and hoping she'll give me some good news!), suppose I just wanted to hear some positive stories where baby didn't go into the pelvis (and I mean 0% in the pelvis!) until labour.

I truly do not have the patience for waiting till 42 weeks. I doubt I'll get any sort of sweepage offered if baby isn't putting any pressure there. Everything just feels like it is going absolutely no where. I don't like seeing an empty moses basket by my bed :-(

I have tried all the old wives tales of how to naturally induce labour, and obviously nothing has worked. Can not stand this waiting!

Reassuring words will be much appreciated. Ta ladies :-)
Some babies, eh? Sorry you are having to play the waiting game. I don't know whether inducing you will make baby move down...contractions are supposed to move the baby downwards so in theory starting off contractions with hormones might get the baby into the correct position. Afraid I don't have any experience or helpful knowledge. Hope baby gets a wriggle on soon. X
Some babies won't engage until labour hun.

Although I am not sure if this means they don't engage at all or they don't fully engage until labour.

MW is happy enough with 2/5th's engaged at 39w for me and said the rest will happen in labour?

I hope your MW can give you some answers hun, or better still I hope bub has moved a little for you

I am at the mw today and last week baby wasnt engaged so I will be asking lots of ??'s today if baby still hasn't budged. I have read and like Nat says baby's sometimes don't engage until labour so try not to worry. You shouldn't end up with a C section.
If you have a ball just get bouncing on that and it could encourage baby to get moving in the right direction x
Thanks ladies. I am seeing the midwife in a couple of hours so will have the latest position update then.... but I am not feeling hopeful. I have been bouncing all week and went on a massssive walk with OH this morning. If baby hasn't shifted it even a little then I won't be feeling all that optimistic for a timely birth.

Nay mind, he'll come when he chooses too.
Campbell never engaged. He wasnt in my pelvis until labour. I had normal delivery. Engaging doesn't start labour. Your hormones do.


Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Thanks Pudds, that's great to hear, such a relief! I really don't want a c-section nor to wait 2 more weeks!
I'm back from MW and baby is still free as a bird, more lying on my side rather than to my back but not engaged. She told me this was pretty common and not to worry. I have my final appt next Thursday then will be booked in for a sweep at 41 weeks.
Just going to keep at the ball and going on all 4s :) x
Yup mine is still free as a bird also. I am booked in for my 41 week appointment next week - devastating :-( She would have swept me today if cervix had been favourable, but no. If nothing by next week then induction it is :-(((

Not going to lie, I am so frustrated and feel like nothing is progressing. Just want my baby to be on the way already!
I take it your baby is head down but not engaged??? if so then no it doesnt mean c section. none of my babies engaged, both my daughters i went into labour myself but was overdue. and my son was breech and he was section.
Hi, yes that's what I mean. aside from not being in the pelvis, he is head down and facing the right way. Today is my due date and desperately hoping things get started soon!

I am feeling more reassured now thanks to all of you lovely ladies!
My little girl was only 1/5 engaged and then 5 hours later she was here! They can shift when they want to. x
Squat squat squat - that will open up your pelvis and put pressure on his lil butt and maybe entice him down and bit :)

to get your cervix more favourable for a sweep to work you can insert and disolve evening primrose oil capsules against your cervix - sounds gross and weird, but I did it with both pregnancies and incuction with my son went quickly and natural easy labour with my daughter.

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