Baby never stops moving....


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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OMG for the last 3 or 4 weeks this lil one hasn't stopped moving..

He responds to music, being spoken to, being doppled (tries to kick it off my belly lol) but just recently he has gone bonkers every time he hears clapping either in the room or on TV. It's like he's taking a bow cus he thinks he's the one getting the applause!

I didn't mind so much when he was having sleep periods in between, but he seems to hardly sleep now (which means I'm hardly sleeping too :wall: )

The down side is that I feel kinda bruised and constantly have belly ache and on bad days feel really sick.
The up side is it's quite re-assuring to feel movements and it was quite funny when Chris nearly had his nose broke by his unborn son when trying to have a Father-Son chat about beating his Mummy up :rotfl:

Anyone else 'cooking' a kickboxer/breakdancer/footballer?

Sarah xxx
Oh my word yes this little princess is a non stop mover!! We play games too its so cute! I prod, she prods heehee and she goes crazy when she hears her daddy!
YUP!! my LO moved constantly and often violently and painfully!

And she was born a wriggler - she is always kicking, waving her arms around, wriggling, trying to turn over etc! So expect an active LO!

Aww, bless. I remember those days! Angel was a mummy beater too! You'll miss it when it's over though.
Kathryn moved a bit but was often quiet and I hated it! I would go into a panic and start fretting and want her to move! Much nicer if you can feel that they're ok- even if you do feel a bit bruised! :hug:
Bless ya :hug: At least you know he is ok and obviously having fun in there :lol:

During my whole pregnancy my baby has hardly moved which can be very worrying. His movements never hurt me and I have to concentrate to feel them most of the time. I often have to eat sugery things to get him going just so I know he is ok. He is obviously lazy like his Dad :roll:

I think its cool that you can play games with your LO, and its great that he responds to certain things :cheer:
LOL.. my baby also kicked my OH in the head. He was moaning that the baby never kicks for him so decided to echo into my belly and then put his ear to it.. he wont be doing that again! :lol:

Claire x
Mine is like its mum, loves to sleep :roll:
Has very definate sleep patterns..usually wakes up when mummy is trying to sleep,and takes after daddy who is a boxer :roll:
i think my LO is learning irish dancing in there, she spent a good 15 mins this afternoon shaking my belly around, then 'breathing' really fast then shaking. it worries me a bit as its like she is having a fit or something in there! at the moment she has hiccups and is headbutting my bladder as i type. not the nicest of feelings but oddly conforting...
They always say an active baby is a happy baby so yours sounds like they're so happy they'll never want to come out.

Mine's a bit of lazy git I think. Some days it won't keep still....others it can't be arsed and only moves when I poke and prod it!! Definately takes after it's mummy :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
My baby is really active all the time, forever kicking, wriggling and poking and prodding! They respond a lot to OH when he talks to them and he's been kicked in the head a few times! lol
:lol: I was complaining about that to my MW today saying LO never gives me any peace and seems like he has no sleep whatsoever, this better change once his out :rotfl: :rotfl:

Whitey is the same, has been like this for a while. Never stops moving and does some crazy stuff.

Every morning I feel a prod on both sides of my stomach at once, it feel like when you're falling asleep and you jump suddenly.

Movement is getting higher and higher by the day, it's wierd!
Awww thats cute!!

My bumpy has her moments, likes to play xylophone with my ribcage and headbutt me in the bumhole mostly..... :lol:

An active baby is a healthy baby!!
Yup me to, i think she has a trampoline in there.

I get booted all day at work, i dont think she likes me sitting at my desk. When i get hme she jumps all night my stomach just goes mad. And in the morning she enjoys kicking her dad in the bag during morning snuggles
When pregnant she was always attacking my bladder and now she's here she wriggles all over the place. A total fidget.
Yeah my bumpy's been a bit quieter the last week but that just measn that I'm actually getting breif moments of releif inbetween belly shaking and muscle bruising exercises :lol:

Sounds similar to a lot of you ladies - everytime someone asks me if I've had my '10 movements in 24hrs' I'm like "...erm.....well yeah... :shock: " and I'm always thinking "don't you mean like 50 movements?!?! Is this not normal then?! :shock: " lol :lol:

At least I know he's healthy then :hug:
I've decided though that he's kinda grumpy like his mummy :D :lol:

And he normally ignores his dad but he let him play 'poke me - I poke you' at the hopsital just over a week ago which really seemed to cheer hubby up, cause he see's me do it quite often (usually because I'm annoyed he wont stop kicking the same spot and it's getting sore so I'm givin him a taste of his own medicine! :rotfl: ) but normally whenever he tries doing anything bumpy suddenly freezes and refuses to do anything :oops:
Noor~ul~Usman said:
'10 movements in 24hrs'

i thought you were supposed to feel 10 an hour! :rotfl:
yeah, bubs is very active in there, nice to know he's having a nice time making my ribs ache :roll:
oh i hear ya! i have a footballer,rugby playing,kickboxing gymnast inside!! i know what you mean about bruised too, he is back to back with me atthe moment and i have feet under rib! its a real joy NOT! LOL.
wouldnt change it for the world, just means they are happy when active.

The sonographer asked me today if baby is always this active, i said yes, she said oh dear you wont get much rest when its born :wall:

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