Baby Número duo!


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2012
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My sons is called Jack my favourite name ever!!!

So now me and OH have settled on names for our second. Early days but I had Jack picked out before I even knew I was gonna have a baby lol

So here it goes-

Boy- Elliot

Girl- Mia

:) x
Jack's obviously our fave name too! :)

Mia's lovely,not so keen on Elliot but it's your decision x
I really like both-I know a boy called Elliot and its lovely xx
Elliot's a lovely name! Really like Mia too!x
I think they're lovely and both go well with Jack...I like to think how the names look when you send birthday cards!
"lots of love from Jack and ..." Ha ha!
I do that too! Whenever me and OH talk baby names for number 2 I always sound out Jack & ???? to see if they go together lol x
Thanks ladies.

My mum wants me to go with the original girls name I came up with but I'm undecided. Lucky I have 9 months to decide :)

The other option is Alyssa x
My oh is Jack, so never a choice for me!

I'm not so keen on Mia, lovely name , just that there are loads at my kids school, but names go in waves don't they, and may be less used in babys now 5 years later, Alyssa is lovely too

Love, love love Elliot
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Love the name Eliott, but prefer Alyssa over Mia. I think it's just because Mia is such a common name at the moment - however, you have to go with your favourite.
Haha and there I was thinking I don't hear many Mia's lol.

I think it'll be Alyssa. That was my fav for ages!!! x

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