baby moving


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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jus wanted to pop in and ask how far you all were when you felt baby move the 1st time?
i was 16weeks when i first felt 'flutters' it was very faint, but i knew what it was :)

i was about 18weeks when i felt a small kick :D
i was also the same as keslo, at 16 weeks it was flutters and started feeling little kicks at around 18 weeks, with all my babys
I was the same with Ellis 16 weeks and 18 weeks.... but I have felt this baby already, they say u feel the second earlier xxxx
I felt baby kick around 16 wks but was just small flutters, i now feel him kick a little stronger but not really strong yet - i can't wait until I'm getting big hard kicks in the ribs lol :dance:
oh yes, wait until your towards the end of this tri, you get some wince worthy thumps :D
I first felt strange little flutters at about 14 weeks. I am sure it was the baby but the experts say it's unlikely :wall: Ever since then the flutters have got a little stronger each week.

Now there's no doubting when this baby wants to kick! :D

First pregnancy 19 weeks, this pregnancy 13 weeks
I've felt flutters from about 15 weeks - still waiting on big kick and can't wait!
hmm i didnt feel my first til late, i didnt even know i was pregnant til my dating scan told me i was almost 17 wks LMAO

and so it was a few wks after that, so much closer to 20 wks i think.
the next 2 i felt much earlier n this one was a bit slow to get goin, but now kicks for england :D
I didn't feel anything until 18+ weeks now just starting to feel little kicks :D
This is my first baby. I felt him move for the first time a few days before I turned 16 weeks so maybe 15+5 or so? Felt like a big old fluttering around's only ever got stronger and he's learned to kick on the 18th March and hasn't stopped since!! :cheer:
This is my first pregnancy and I have felt ripples from 13.5 weeks, they became stronger yesterday when there were 3 sort of bumps all in a row!
bubbles for me i was 13 or 14weeks.

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